lisinopril causing massive hair loss?


Guys ive been on lisinopril for a few months now. Have started to notice huge hair loss on the front of my head its just coming out my sheets are full of hairs and my shower is full of hairs everywhere. I have read lisinopril can cause hair loss anyone know anything about this? And any of you guys who are bald when did you decide to bite the bullet and just shave it? Im really considering just saying fuck it and shaving my head and not worrying about it. Im considering buzzing it real short and if I dont look too bad just start shaving it or buzzing it short. Thanks guys
I dont know about hair loss. I'm not prone to it just receding a bit, but I had other bad sides so from Lisinopril I take losartan now.
Guys ive been on lisinopril for a few months now. Have started to notice huge hair loss on the front of my head its just coming out my sheets are full of hairs and my shower is full of hairs everywhere. I have read lisinopril can cause hair loss anyone know anything about this? And any of you guys who are bald when did you decide to bite the bullet and just shave it? Im really considering just saying fuck it and shaving my head and not worrying about it. Im considering buzzing it real short and if I dont look too bad just start shaving it or buzzing it short. Thanks guys

There are hundreds of BP med combos out there. Just switch to one that doesn't cause hair loss. The shedding doesn't mean that hair is lost permanently if you act quickly. Lisonopril is one of the worst.

If you don't need to be on an ACE inhibitor (lisinopril) get on an ARB/Calcium channel blocker like Valsartan/Amlodipine, which doesn't cause hair loss. some low dose minoxidil will help speed the restoration of what you've lost.

Was this your doctors suggestion? Those retards often default to the cheapest, crap BP meds regardless of the sides they induce to accommodate their poorest patients, and not one of the many much better alternatives, even when the patient has good insurance or isn't in poverty.

FWIW a combo of two low dose BP meds is typically more effective this a single higher dose med, and has fewer sides, Most combos are available in a single pill.

How high was your BP?
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There are hundreds of BP med combos out there. Just switch to one that doesn't cause hair loss. The shedding doesn't mean that hair is lost permanently if you act quickly. Lisonopril is one of the worst.

If you don't need to be on an ACE inhibitor (lisinopril) get on an ARB/Calcium channel blocker like Valsartan/Amlodipine, which doesn't cause hair loss. some low dose minoxidil will help speed the restoration of what you've lost.

Was this your doctors suggestion? Those retards often default to the cheapest, crap BP meds regardless of the sides they induce to accommodate their poorest patients, and not one of the many much better alternatives, even when the patient has good insurance or isn't in poverty.

FWIW a combo of two low dose BP meds is typically more effective this a single higher dose med, and has fewer sides, Most combos are available in a single pill.

How high was your BP?
yeah my doc put me on it originally i was on propranolol which was bad so was switched to lisinopril. I dont notice anything other than the hair loss from it which just started and ive been on it for about 6 months. It was high in the 160s over 100s and im down to 130something over 80 now. I mentioned tele to the doc shes like oh yeah I usually want to try these other ones first. idk wtf is wrong with this doc the only reason i keep seeing her is because she will give me a script for everything ive asked for so far so shes cool. Just gotta go back in and see her again now, What are the other sides that make lisinopril bad?
I dont know about hair loss. I'm not prone to it just receding a bit, but I had other bad sides so from Lisinopril I take losartan now.
what sides have you had? I really havent noticed any sides except this and Im not entirely sure if its from is because Ive been on it for a while and just started to notice hair loss now. Weird.
yeah my doc put me on it originally i was on propranolol which was bad so was switched to lisinopril. I dont notice anything other than the hair loss from it which just started and ive been on it for about 6 months. It was high in the 160s over 100s and im down to 130something over 80 now. I mentioned tele to the doc shes like oh yeah I usually want to try these other ones first. idk wtf is wrong with this doc the only reason i keep seeing her is because she will give me a script for everything ive asked for so far so shes cool. Just gotta go back in and see her again now, What are the other sides that make lisinopril bad?

That's really high and without going into a long discussion, the problem of uncontrolled BP in the population is not only blamed on patients not being proactive or compliant with taking their meds, but general practitioners doing a piss poor job on this basic task.

There is no single factor so easily controlled that statistically has such a large impact on health outcomes. Even in the absence of something dramatic like a heart attack or stroke, there's no doubt those numbers are damaging your health on daily basis, from your kidneys to micro-ruptures of tiny vessels in your eyes and brain.

You really should be aiming for the most current research supported "ideal" BP of 120/70.

This slow escalation is largely about cost effectiveness and not what would be used if cost wasn't a concern. Let them practice medical economics on someone else. The Combo I mentioned is specifically what I settled on because it has no hair loss sides, and is available in many dosages so can be slowly ramped up until your BP is ideal. Valsartan has also been shown to improve aerobic exercise performance as a side effect.

Previously had been on Benazapril/Amlopadine, which worked but caused hair loss, but when i pressed why she gave me that one, I discovered it was a "go to" by my doc because it was dirt cheap.

She even prescribed it as separate tabs because the single pill combo was a little more expensive. With insurance covering it that made no difference to my cost. Studies show single pill combos are far more
likely to result in successful BP control because patients are much more likely to comply with consistently, yet despite this, cost savings were prioritized.

If you're not going to switch docs, I'd tell her "I want to get my BP into the ideal range, I've researched this, can we try a combo med like Valsartan/amlodipine, in a single pill?"

You probably already know lower BP makes you tired for a few weeks until your body adjusts, but after that your normal energy returns so stick with it.

Good luck brother. I went from numbers so high I wasn't allowed to give blood, now at 120/70 consistently, one pill a day, no sides.
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That's really high and without going into a long discussion, the problem of uncontrolled BP in the population is not only blamed on patients not being proactive or compliant with taking their meds, but general practitioners doing a piss poor job on this basic task.

There is no single factor so easily controlled that statistically has such a large impact on health outcomes. Even in the absence of something dramatic like a heart attack or stroke, there's no doubt those numbers are damaging your health on daily basis, from your kidneys to micro-ruptures of tiny vessels in your eyes and brain.

You really should be aiming for the most current research supported "ideal" BP of 120/70.

This slow escalation is largely about cost effectiveness and not what would be used if cost wasn't a concern. Let them practice medical economics on someone else. The Combo I mentioned is specifically what I settled on because it has no hair loss sides, and is available in many dosages so can be slowly ramped up until your BP is ideal. Valsartan has also been shown to improve aerobic exercise performance as a side effect.

Previously had been on Benazapril/Amlopadine, which worked but caused hair loss, but when i pressed why she gave me that one, I discovered it was a "go to" by my doc because it was dirt cheap.

She even prescribed it as separate tabs because the single pill combo was a little more expensive. With insurance covering it that made no difference to my cost. Studies show single pill combos are far more
likely to result in successful BP control because patients are much more likely to comply with consistently, yet despite this, cost savings were prioritized.

If you're not going to switch docs, I'd tell her "I want to get my BP into the ideal range, I've researched this, can we try a combo med like Valsartan/amlodipine, in a single pill?"

You probably already know lower BP makes you tired for a few weeks until your body adjusts, but after that your normal energy returns so stick with it.

Good luck brother. I went from numbers so high I wasn't allowed to give blood, now at 120/70 consistently, one pill a day, no sides.
thanks i am seeing her tomorrow so im going to mention this one.
That's really high and without going into a long discussion, the problem of uncontrolled BP in the population is not only blamed on patients not being proactive or compliant with taking their meds, but general practitioners doing a piss poor job on this basic task.

There is no single factor so easily controlled that statistically has such a large impact on health outcomes. Even in the absence of something dramatic like a heart attack or stroke, there's no doubt those numbers are damaging your health on daily basis, from your kidneys to micro-ruptures of tiny vessels in your eyes and brain.

You really should be aiming for the most current research supported "ideal" BP of 120/70.

This slow escalation is largely about cost effectiveness and not what would be used if cost wasn't a concern. Let them practice medical economics on someone else. The Combo I mentioned is specifically what I settled on because it has no hair loss sides, and is available in many dosages so can be slowly ramped up until your BP is ideal. Valsartan has also been shown to improve aerobic exercise performance as a side effect.

Previously had been on Benazapril/Amlopadine, which worked but caused hair loss, but when i pressed why she gave me that one, I discovered it was a "go to" by my doc because it was dirt cheap.

She even prescribed it as separate tabs because the single pill combo was a little more expensive. With insurance covering it that made no difference to my cost. Studies show single pill combos are far more
likely to result in successful BP control because patients are much more likely to comply with consistently, yet despite this, cost savings were prioritized.

If you're not going to switch docs, I'd tell her "I want to get my BP into the ideal range, I've researched this, can we try a combo med like Valsartan/amlodipine, in a single pill?"

You probably already know lower BP makes you tired for a few weeks until your body adjusts, but after that your normal energy returns so stick with it.

Good luck brother. I went from numbers so high I wasn't allowed to give blood, now at 120/70 consistently, one pill a day, no sides.
How long were you on the ACE inhibitor before you noticed hair loss?
How long were you on the ACE inhibitor before you noticed hair loss?

I think it was a couple of weeks before I noticed I had hair in my hands every time I shampooed. When it didn't stop for a month, I realized the only thing that was new was the BP med, I looked into it and sure enough it was a fairly common experience. So I was on it under 2 months before I called and asked if we could switch to something else, which she was happy to do.

Like I said, there's a ton of BP meds and combos out there, and usually the ones chosen by docs are the ones they're most familiar with or their organizations policy. There's no real consistency from doc to doc. They're just supposed to experiment until they find something that controls your BP without intolerable sides.

Just remember, 2 low dose meds are almost always more effective than 1 high dose, with fewer side effects, and 120/70 is proven to have the best health outcomes so you want to try and get to that.

Just hearing. you're doing research on your own tends to get them to pay more
attention, and 9/10 if I mention a specific med they'll give that a try.
what sides have you had? I really havent noticed any sides except this and Im not entirely sure if its from is because Ive been on it for a while and just started to notice hair loss now.

Tren like caugh, sore throat difficulty breathing. Scary shit.
Guys ive been on lisinopril for a few months now. Have started to notice huge hair loss on the front of my head its just coming out my sheets are full of hairs and my shower is full of hairs everywhere. I have read lisinopril can cause hair loss anyone know anything about this? And any of you guys who are bald when did you decide to bite the bullet and just shave it? Im really considering just saying fuck it and shaving my head and not worrying about it. Im considering buzzing it real short and if I dont look too bad just start shaving it or buzzing it short. Thanks guys
I shaved my head when around 20, I can't remember exact time since it's been so long. I was scared to death I wouldn't have a round head. But my head turned out to be perfect for being bald. Males on my fathers side are mosty either bald or going bald.
I honesty love being bald. Go for it. You just might enjoy it. No shampoo, brushes, combs, expensive hair cuts and the constant fucking with your hair is suck a bitch.
That's really high and without going into a long discussion, the problem of uncontrolled BP in the population is not only blamed on patients not being proactive or compliant with taking their meds, but general practitioners doing a piss poor job on this basic task.

There is no single factor so easily controlled that statistically has such a large impact on health outcomes. Even in the absence of something dramatic like a heart attack or stroke, there's no doubt those numbers are damaging your health on daily basis, from your kidneys to micro-ruptures of tiny vessels in your eyes and brain.

You really should be aiming for the most current research supported "ideal" BP of 120/70.

This slow escalation is largely about cost effectiveness and not what would be used if cost wasn't a concern. Let them practice medical economics on someone else. The Combo I mentioned is specifically what I settled on because it has no hair loss sides, and is available in many dosages so can be slowly ramped up until your BP is ideal. Valsartan has also been shown to improve aerobic exercise performance as a side effect.

Previously had been on Benazapril/Amlopadine, which worked but caused hair loss, but when i pressed why she gave me that one, I discovered it was a "go to" by my doc because it was dirt cheap.

She even prescribed it as separate tabs because the single pill combo was a little more expensive. With insurance covering it that made no difference to my cost. Studies show single pill combos are far more
likely to result in successful BP control because patients are much more likely to comply with consistently, yet despite this, cost savings were prioritized.

If you're not going to switch docs, I'd tell her "I want to get my BP into the ideal range, I've researched this, can we try a combo med like Valsartan/amlodipine, in a single pill?"

You probably already know lower BP makes you tired for a few weeks until your body adjusts, but after that your normal energy returns so stick with it.

Good luck brother. I went from numbers so high I wasn't allowed to give blood, now at 120/70 consistently, one pill a day, no sides.
How high were your numbers? I am on lisinopril 20 mg now and have been slowly creeping up on my BP numbers: 130-150 /80-90
Feel like I need to try losartan either instead of or in addition to lisinopril
How high were your numbers? I am on lisinopril 20 mg now and have been slowly creeping up on my BP numbers: 130-150 /80-90
Feel like I need to try losartan either instead of or in addition to lisinopril

160/100 at its worst. I've had high BP my entire life, mostly genetic.

Amlodipine 5mg/Valsartan 160mg got me to 120/70.

The combo brand name is Exforge, but it's available as a generic, and each of the 2 meds are available separately as generics for even less.

It goes all the way up to 10mg/320mg if necessary. One small pill a day, no sides, I love it.
It was high in the 160s over 100s and im down to 130something over 80 now.
Out of curiosity as I'm in similar situation. 150's/80. It is interesting that lisiniprol alone was able to knock down your systolic (upper number) quite significantly. What was your dose and also did your BP get better once you started meds or it took some time?
Out of curiosity as I'm in similar situation. 150's/80. It is interesting that lisiniprol alone was able to knock down your systolic (upper number) quite significantly. What was your dose and also did your BP get better once you started meds or it took some time?
Im on 20mg.
Did you notice blood pressure lowering effect right away or it was gradually decreasing?
it right away. I came off a beta blocker and went on lis and it didnt jump up any it acutally went down more. The thing is it used to keep me at a good 120/80 but i started pushing gear slightly and it started to creep up on the same dose. It worked really well for me just the hair loss issue I didnt notice any other sides.