Little help on first cycle


New Member
I’m new in this as you guys notice in the title.

I bought Sustanon 250 and was my first week the pip was really bad went almost the whole week, now I already now what to do to minimize it thanks to this forum.

So I’m only using sustanon, and I’m reading a lot of first cycles that are not only sustanon or not only one type of steroid.

It’s too late and should I stay with this till the end or can I add some testosterone like enanthate, cyp ?
You have to only use one type of steroid in your first cycle. You have to learn how to manage e2 and other side effects. if you use several compounds you can’t determine which side effect is from which steroid.
Sustanon is the same as testosterone enanthate and cypionate, it’s the mix of different esters. This is basic knowledge over steroids which you didn’t know. You should not touch steroids at all before you fucking learn.
You have to only use one type of steroid in your first cycle. You have to learn how to manage e2 and other side effects. if you use several compounds you can’t determine which side effect is from which steroid.
Sustanon is the same as testosterone enanthate and cypionate, it’s the mix of different esters. This is basic knowledge over steroids which you didn’t know. You should not touch steroids at all before you fucking learn.
So how far are you in to the cycle?

Yes you can switch, although you will experience some fluctuation due to sustanon's short esters in there, but it's still possible to get good results.

You see first cycle is the best, you can get away with not being perfect, but you still need to do everything good!

So if you mess up your first cycle and don't gain a lot then it's end of the road for you pal. Of course there exception but still.

So if you have it on hand just switch it now and run for planned time you were planning to run susta.

Now a bit of a lecturing part. Why on earth did you think Sustanon is good for first cycle? Might as well be a dumb dumb and go with prop since you ideally want to inject eod to avoid fluctuations.

Now pip is from bad gear usually OR it might be allergic reaction to carrier oil, only some steroids are known to cause intense pip. Sustanon is not one of them.

Next time use your head a little more and choose one ester that you want to stick with and @parsashameli already said, apply all that.

You don't have a threesome on your first time having sex with woman do you? First you learn the basics and get the feel of it kinda, it's the same with steroids too. And yes TEST only is best to learn.
It sounds like you’re not even aware that sustanon IS testosterone. Cut your losses and get out of the cycle. Take a lot more time to study up


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