Looking for a UK based Urologist/Endo to help me...


New Member
Hi Guys,

Long story short... I have low T and a low sperm count. Diagnosed back in 2008 as primary, but that was after 2 years of taking a tri-cyclic AD that caused me to gain 8 stone in weight. At the time, my T was 5 nmol/dl and my balls had shrunk.

I've been experimenting with Clomid with a urologist and at 50mg a day, that gets my T up to 25 nmol/dl which would probably indicate a different issue to primary hypogonaidism?

Anyway, we're trying to have a family. We successfully had our daughter in 2014 through the help of ICSI, and we're continuing that journey. However, going on TRT to feel better is off the cards at the moment as I need to hold onto whatever fertility I have left. Currently ~0.4 million per ml.

I'm looking for a recommendation for a urologist, preferably based in the southeast or London, or available online to consult. I'm keen to try HCG and potentially HMG to see if I can kick my balls back into life, would also be good to be able to get on TRT to just feel better!

Any recommendations appreciated!
