Looking for thoughts on Low IGF-1 results


New Member
I got a blood test and I am curious to see if anyone here could help interpret some of the results or if I should just go to my PCP...

I am mid 40's male started taking Tirzepatide 13 months ago and have so far lost 125lbs, current weight of 185lbs, although I lost only 20 of those in the last 6 months.
So obviously I was running a calorie deficit for a long time but I've been working out regularly 5-6 times per week pretty much the whole time to avoid losing too much muscle mass.

Apart from Tirz the only other thing I've taken is a 4 week course of BPC157/TB500 in April to help with a bum shoulder.

Before taking anything else I wanted to get baseline blood work done to see where things stood.
All my test results came back well within the standard range except for some of the ones shown below.

This is the first time I get my Test, IGF and Estriadol checked so I don't have anything to compare to.
I figured my test would be low because I am seeing little progress in my workouts but I imagine the IGF is what may be causing issues there.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

TestValueRef Range
IGF 1, LS/MS4052 - 328 ng/mL
Z SCORE-2.4-2.0 - 2.0
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL1171250 - 1100 ng/dL
TESTOSTERONE FREE10535 - 155 pg/ml
AST2210 - 40 U/L
ALT249 - 46 U/L
I got a blood test and I am curious to see if anyone here could help interpret some of the results or if I should just go to my PCP...

I am mid 40's male started taking Tirzepatide 13 months ago and have so far lost 125lbs, current weight of 185lbs, although I lost only 20 of those in the last 6 months.
So obviously I was running a calorie deficit for a long time but I've been working out regularly 5-6 times per week pretty much the whole time to avoid losing too much muscle mass.

Apart from Tirz the only other thing I've taken is a 4 week course of BPC157/TB500 in April to help with a bum shoulder.

Before taking anything else I wanted to get baseline blood work done to see where things stood.
All my test results came back well within the standard range except for some of the ones shown below.

This is the first time I get my Test, IGF and Estriadol checked so I don't have anything to compare to.
I figured my test would be low because I am seeing little progress in my workouts but I imagine the IGF is what may be causing issues there.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

TestValueRef Range
IGF 1, LS/MS4052 - 328 ng/mL
Z SCORE-2.4-2.0 - 2.0
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL1171250 - 1100 ng/dL
TESTOSTERONE FREE10535 - 155 pg/ml
AST2210 - 40 U/L
ALT249 - 46 U/L

You were pretty fat, might have some liver issues, ie NAFLD ...

As above noted, caloric deficit can have an effect on hepatic igf1 synthesis, but yours is really low.

The high TT is also surprising, and you must have pretty high shbg too (which goes in hand with such a high TT).

I'd go and have a more through set of bloods done if I were you.
Thanks for the feedback.

Yup, I was pretty damn fat for a long time. Standard blood tests never showed any indications that I may have issues with my liver but I definitely wouldn't rule it out as I do have a sister with NAFLD.

I watched my carbs but wouldn't say my diet was anything like keto, I definitely didn't shy away from them, pizza and tacos are just too good.

What additional tests would you recommend? I did the "Men's Hormone Medium Test" from privatemdlabs last time. Not sure if I should just go to my doctor and have him order something based on the prior results.
Thanks for the feedback.

Yup, I was pretty damn fat for a long time. Standard blood tests never showed any indications that I may have issues with my liver but I definitely wouldn't rule it out as I do have a sister with NAFLD.

I watched my carbs but wouldn't say my diet was anything like keto, I definitely didn't shy away from them, pizza and tacos are just too good.

What additional tests would you recommend? I did the "Men's Hormone Medium Test" from privatemdlabs last time. Not sure if I should just go to my doctor and have him order something based on the prior results.

Not sure where you stand on drugs, but might consider some hGH.

And increase cardio to help clear NAFLD.

Now that you have tirz on board, you can use this time to establish a better relationship with clean eating (no more pizza and tacos)
Not sure where you stand on drugs, but might consider some hGH.

And increase cardio to help clear NAFLD.

Now that you have tirz on board, you can use this time to establish a better relationship with clean eating (no more pizza and tacos)
LOL I am fine with drugs, I took the blood tests with the purpose of seeing what else I could be doing to improve my health.

I also feel like I have a decent relationship with food now, just because I like pizza and tacos doesn't mean I eat them often they are a special occasion type of thing.

I will definitely take the more cardio into consideration though, I currently only do about 15 minutes a day before lifting.