Looking to Kill my Libido/Sex Drive

Just get on an SSRI temporarily. It will kill your sex drive without messing with your hormones.

Just talk to a doc about it. A different doc if you need to. Either mention exactly what’s going on honestly (as it is prescribed to reduce sex drive even) or just say you are depressed.

Deca made me horny as hell too. Even with high and low E2 I sill got raging boners, just no climax.
To my understanding, it is a bit on the genetic side where my foreskin is tight, and could have been completely avoided had I been circumcised when I was young.

Generally now, the foreskin will rip and bleed on any sort of semi-aggressive action that will tug on the foreskin.

In the case of the vacation with my girlfriend, once again, not trying to be too graphic, but everyone here seems to be alright with it, She was riding me and I heard/felt a pop. I legitimately thought it was her, when it was me.

I didn't even feel pain until a few minutes afterwards when we switched positions.

As per the Dr., I am not supposed to be heavy lifting for 2 - 3 weeks after the procedure to correct this (removal of scar tissue), and due to how the procedure goes, if i want proper long term recovery, no sex or masturbation for 3 - 4 months.

Now, as for the first girl, we were basically just going at it pretty rough very often. 3 - 4 times a day. It was that honeymoon period of dating lol
No sex or masturbation for 3-4 months damn brother that's going to be tough can't imagine defiantly better stay away from tren
No sex or masturbation for 3-4 months damn brother that's going to be tough can't imagine defiantly better stay away from tren

I've heard different things from different people in how Tren can effect you. I want to find some answers so I have a direction to go in.
it was a 4 star facility.
had my own private cell, radio and cig lighter built into the wall.
free tobacco and papers .
lots of snacks on the food cart.
did 2 weeks there for some weed.
Was your cellmate present? Or was it single-cells? That would be plush. You just gotta dodge that cop looking through the window doing bed-check. Easy game.
A med called Anafranil will make it super tough to get it up it's prescription is for obsessive compulsive disorders and premature ejaculation, in small dose it would work well I been on it awhile I have to use Viagra but you can go hard having sex for hours and not blow your load, without Viagra I'm useless no chance of getting laid lol it relaxed me slows my mind down I take it also for sleeping