Looking to start first cycle


New Member
I’m looking to start my first cycle test e + Dbol wondering what would be an appropriate dose and what SERMS I should use for pct.
welcome abroad brother
if you ask me i wouldn't use Dbol in my first cycle. not only because of the water retention but because it converts to dimethyl estradiol which is much stronger than regular estradiol.
do some research on Primobolan Enanthate. it's a little more expensive but you're going to get lean gains
that's my 2 cents
Thank you, I’m definitely going to look into that. I just got my order from PSL but now have been hearing some mixed reviews about them so I’m probably going to look for a different source.
welcome abroad brother
if you ask me i wouldn't use Dbol in my first cycle. not only because of the water retention but because it converts to dimethyl estradiol which is much stronger than regular estradiol.
do some research on Primobolan Enanthate. it's a little more expensive but you're going to get lean gains
that's my 2 cents
This Is a very good advice for him! Buy the way welcome to him!!

Depending on your age and goals, I would not even run a compound along with test. Never mind your age and goals, first cycle, in my opinion, should always just be test. Just a random guy on the internets opinion.

For starters it sounds like you have some more research to do on what you want to run and where to get it. Secondly you picked dbol for your very first cycle. Too many people rush into this and want to run before they walk. Get a feel for what a superphysiological dose of test feels like, run it for 8-12 weeks, and then cycle off. Let your body rebound and THEN add a compound along with test for your next cycle.

This approach will give you more time to research and learn while you build muscle. It will also help you learn and respect what testosterone can do for you. If you start by adding too many variables (#s of compounds), how can you know what effect each is giving you?

Food for thought, good luck on your journey.
Thank you, I’m definitely going to look into that. I just got my order from PSL but now have been hearing some mixed reviews about them so I’m probably going to look for a different source.
I'm not a fan, but I would hope they wouldn't screw you over on test.

But yea. I would say test only first cycle.
I would not use dbol as part of your first cycle. Just run a simple test cycle to see how your body responds. Get bloodwork before as a baseline, another blood test midway and another at the end. This way your can judge how your body is responding.