Looking to use Raloxifene for HGH-induced Gyno

For reference, the only thing I was on was HGH. Not Test or anything else. Before getting on HGH, these were my levels:

Testosterone, Total LC/MS: 1,238 (250-1100)
Testosterone, Free Equilibrium Dialysis: 195.6 (35-155)

Estradiol, Ultra-sensitive LC/MS: 27 (<=29)
Estradiol, Free: 0.43 (<=0.45)

Prolactin: 8.8 (2-18)

During my HGH experiment:

Testosterone, Total LC/MS: 1,134 (250-1100)
Testosterone, Free Equilibrium Dialysis: 166.7 (35-155)

Estradiol, Ultra-sensitive: 45 (<=29)
Estradiol, Free: 0.87 (<=0.45)

Prolactin: 12.9 (2-18)
God damn, your free testosterone is low.
Like super low.
Everything else seems good. I'm curious how's your liver?