low-dose anadrol


10+ Year Member
I doubt I am the first person to ask this.

But anyone have experience doing low dose anadrol? Instead of 50mg tabs, doing say 25, 12.5 mg per day.
50 is a bit hefty for long term use if also doing any injects.

Anadrol is a bit "harsh" for long term 50mg use IMO. Wondering if 12.5 or 50mg could compliment injects.
When I did a test and anadrol cycle years ago EVERYTHING felt good. Joints, tendons, muscles, everything.
I wouldn’t use an oral for anything longer than 4-6 weeks.
Anything long term I would grab some injectables instead maybe NPP or deca if nandrolone suits you.
I’m currently running Anadrol right now at 50mg each day and I’m only planning on using it for 4 weeks to kickstart my test/primo/deca cycle of 20 weeks.
But I’m sure you would notice 25mg ED
I absolutely agree with @bigboss101 here.. If your wanting to use long term I would stay away from orals and just add Deca..

I'm not saying a low dose wouldn't work but just with the toxicity I never recommend orals anymore.. Constant blood work would obviously be needed to assess if your doing any damage..
I doubt I am the first person to ask this.

But anyone have experience doing low dose anadrol? Instead of 50mg tabs, doing say 25, 12.5 mg per day.
50 is a bit hefty for long term use if also doing any injects.

Anadrol is a bit "harsh" for long term 50mg use IMO. Wondering if 12.5 or 50mg could compliment injects.
When I did a test and anadrol cycle years ago EVERYTHING felt good. Joints, tendons, muscles, everything.
In my opinion, 50 is not hefty. It depends on what you consider long term use. I would say anything longer than 8 weeks to be "long term". However typically 8 weeks is fine as long as your not abusing it and or running extremely high doses (example 200mg/day). Depending on your bodyweight you could run 50mg for 16 weeks with no issues, or should I say long term damage to be worried about.
In my opinion, 50 is not hefty. It depends on what you consider long term use. I would say anything longer than 8 weeks to be "long term". However typically 8 weeks is fine as long as your not abusing it and or running extremely high doses (example 200mg/day). Depending on your bodyweight you could run 50mg for 16 weeks with no issues, or should I say long term damage to be worried about.
50 is not much imo as well. This medicine was used at 100mg a day for hiv patients with end process muscle wasting and used indefinitely. Just some food for thought. I do agree it should be ran no long than 4-5 weeks
I doubt I am the first person to ask this.

But anyone have experience doing low dose anadrol? Instead of 50mg tabs, doing say 25, 12.5 mg per day.
50 is a bit hefty for long term use if also doing any injects.

Anadrol is a bit "harsh" for long term 50mg use IMO. Wondering if 12.5 or 50mg could compliment injects.
When I did a test and anadrol cycle years ago EVERYTHING felt good. Joints, tendons, muscles, everything.
I like 25mg just fine.