Low dose tren review

So been running 350 test and 359 mast for 10 weeks. Decided to add tren to the mix. Dropped test and mast to 250 each and been doing 25 mg tren a eod. Been on for 10 days and so far feel like it has made a good difference. Def look bigger but also dropping bf. Sleeping well. Have been getting a little bit of night sweats but nothing crazy .

My only complaint is digestion and chest issues. Acid reflux is bad. Been taking probiotic and Omeprazole and has helped. But my main thing is chest tightness. Feel like im struggling breathing. Like I need to breath through my mouth cause I can't get enough air through my nose. Anyone have this? I also get bad anxiety so it could be just me stressing about it.
One thing you could try to to get some Salbutamol pills to help with the breathing. The anxiety is probably linked to the breathing it's a horrible feeling not being able to breath properly and it slowly builds up so you don't notice it but your body deffinitly does.
So been running 350 test and 359 mast for 10 weeks. Decided to add tren to the mix. Dropped test and mast to 250 each and been doing 25 mg tren a eod. Been on for 10 days and so far feel like it has made a good difference. Def look bigger but also dropping bf. Sleeping well. Have been getting a little bit of night sweats but nothing crazy .

My only complaint is digestion and chest issues. Acid reflux is bad. Been taking probiotic and Omeprazole and has helped. But my main thing is chest tightness. Feel like im struggling breathing. Like I need to breath through my mouth cause I can't get enough air through my nose. Anyone have this? I also get bad anxiety so it could be just me stressing about it.

Not to negate what you may be truly feeling, but part of me kinda feels like you may have read about all these side effects somewhere, and are now overthinking it to where you are believing the same is happening to you. At 25 mg EOD I seriously don’t think it’s going to give anybody chest tightness or even slight night sweats.

If anything try adding in some more cardio to your routine. If this is truly how you feel and it doesn’t clear up I’d just drop it. You can make equally as good progress with other drugs
i ran 300mg per week and never experienced chest tightness. By the end of the blast jogging/ sparring I was definitely gassing out faster than usual and needed to breath harder, doing stairs for cardio also got tougher . I get night sweats on 300mg test in summer, I would probably just attribute it to the other compounds you’re running. If you’ve got breathing issues you might want to get your cardiac health in order before running tren.
Not to negate what you may be truly feeling, but part of me kinda feels like you may have read about all these side effects somewhere, and are now overthinking it to where you are believing the same is happening to you. At 25 mg EOD I seriously don’t think it’s going to give anybody chest tightness or even slight night sweats.

If anything try adding in some more cardio to your routine. If this is truly how you feel and it doesn’t clear up I’d just drop it. You can make equally as good progress with other drugs
Thanks brotha another quick question I have .

So been running test and mast 350 each for 10 weeks. Last 4 weeks want to introduce tren just to finish stuff up. So dropped test and mast to 250 each and tren 25 mg eod. Now I'm running low on mast but have a cut stack of test mast and tren 50 mg each per ml. Could I just switch to that? Say 150 mg of test tren mast a week to finish off. They are all fast esters so might be a pain once I stop and switch over to my long ester trt dose. What you guys think? Or just order more mast?
I’m currently running low dose of tren Ace 25mg shot EOD with my test and I was so paranoid about the crazy side effects I’ve seen. Hair falling out and extreme tren rage. I’m two weeks and don’t have any of that. I’m sure running a lower dose helps though.

Only sides I’ve noticed are minimal which is slight leg cramps at night and while working out which is a reminder I need to hydrate more. I was already sweating a little at night cause test alone does that to me. Definitely a lot more sex drive and I’ve noticed while working out and doing cardio I feel like I’m breathing heavier. Definitely looking bigger and I feel happier cause I look even better! No anger. I know everyone is different but figured I would post my experience.
Thanks brotha another quick question I have .

So been running test and mast 350 each for 10 weeks. Last 4 weeks want to introduce tren just to finish stuff up. So dropped test and mast to 250 each and tren 25 mg eod. Now I'm running low on mast but have a cut stack of test mast and tren 50 mg each per ml. Could I just switch to that? Say 150 mg of test tren mast a week to finish off. They are all fast esters so might be a pain once I stop and switch over to my long ester trt dose. What you guys think? Or just order more mast?

I really don’t see it being an issue if you wanted to switch to a blend. I like my test a little higher then everything else so I’d probably do like 1 cc of the blend EOD, and sprinkle some Test on top of each shot haha