Isolated Systolic Hypertension (HIGH SYS/LOW DIA)

I had this prior gear but now i think it's more frequent. Bloods are very good except slightly elevated ldl. My blood pressure is 115/60 and rest heart rate 62-70.

The medical term for this is "pulsatile tinnitus" and it comes with a list of potential causes. If ot persist perhaps it's a good reason to visit a cardiologist.
Id get it checked out or at least consult with an online doc which is pretty easy. If gear made it worse it’d be worth checking out if you know you’ll continue running gear.
Ferritin at 17.5 so I definitely could use a donation.

Wait, what? A ferritin value of 17.5 is way to low. You want ferritin around 100. Below 50 is where you start feeling shitty, but at 17.5 that's iron deficiency territory. You are in no place to do a blood donation.

Low iron reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. In order to compensate for not enough oxygen, the body increases heart output, ie. increasing heart rate and stroke volume. This can indeed lead to an increased pulse pressure. Especially if your hematocrit is high, which usually isn't in non aas abusing patients.

You are not in a good place health wise bro. Cancel mast, don't just lower it and return test to slightly above trt.

Why don't you share your whole blood panel with us wont you.
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@Jin23 just to clarify, do you refer to ferritin in ng/ml? Because my lab has a ref range of 16-370. I'm just curious, since mine is 115 (despite serum iron is top of the range) and i thought it wasn't enough. Is around 100 a good setpoint? Thanks in advance
@Jin23 just to clarify, do you refer to ferritin in ng/ml? Because my lab has a ref range of 16-370. I'm just curious, since mine is 115 (despite serum iron is top of the range) and i thought it wasn't enough. Is around 100 a good setpoint? Thanks in advance

100 ug/l = 100 ng/ml

370 is a high end range. Shouldn't be more then 250 ... Which is also high, but alas ...

Your ferritin is perfect and iron being at the top end is also great. What about TSAT? It can also be problematic if high as that would indicate a high level of non transferin bound iron.
100 ug/l = 100 ng/ml

370 is a high end range. Shouldn't be more then 250 ... Which is also high, but alas ...

Your ferritin is perfect and iron being at the top end is also great. What about TSAT? It can also be problematic if high as that would indicate a high level of non transferin bound iron.

Ok, thanks for clarifying! I haven't tested TIBC or transferin so i can't calculate TSAT.
Wait, what? A ferritin value of 17.5 is way to low. You want ferritin around 100. Below 50 is where you start feeling shitty, but at 17.5 that's iron deficiency territory. You are in no place to do a blood donation.

Low iron reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. In order to compensate for not enough oxygen, the body increases heart output, ie. increasing heart rate and stroke volume. This can indeed lead to an increased pulse pressure. Especially if your hematocrit is high, which usually isn't in non aas abusing patients.

You are not in a good place health wise bro. Cancel mast, don't just lower it and return test to slightly above trt.

Why don't you share your whole blood panel with us wont you.
??? Sorry was unfamiliar with Ferretin terminology. I used a finger prick test strip at work and it read me out 18.3 which is just above the top end of the range for iron in men. Donated blood right after work. Reading of 17.5 was from Friday. Don’t have a recent blood panel. BP has been under control the last three days with lowered masteron dose. Appreciate your concern but I seem to be chilling right now.
??? Sorry was unfamiliar with Ferretin terminology. I used a finger prick test strip at work and it read me out 18.3 which is just above the top end of the range for iron in men. Donated blood right after work. Reading of 17.5 was from Friday. Don’t have a recent blood panel. BP has been under control the last three days with lowered masteron dose. Appreciate your concern but I seem to be chilling right now.
Hemoglobin test strip iron.