Low Estrogen Pct


New Member
What are the implications of having low estrogen during PCT? Can it effect recovery?

Mine came back at 26pmol/L (ref 40-160) during week 3 of PCT (Clomid 50mg ED and Aromasin 12.5mg once a week). Seems like I am very sensitive to aromasin. Have decided to drop it and continue with clomid.
What are the implications of having low estrogen during PCT? Can it effect recovery?

Mine came back at 26pmol/L (ref 40-160) during week 3 of PCT (Clomid 50mg ED and Aromasin 12.5mg once a week). Seems like I am very sensitive to aromasin. Have decided to drop it and continue with clomid.
Don't do AIs or SERMs yet, wait until your Testosterone (and Estrogen) get higher from HCG