Low igf-[ while on growth


New Member
What would cause my igf-1 to be “low” it’s in the normal range but I’m on a hefty amount of growth and am reaping the benefits of the growth and I’ve done gh serum test on multiple kits I’ve done and they’ve all been 35+ng/mL So what gives? I’ve read that tren can cause your igf-1 be lower and I am currently running a good amount of tren ace. Help me understand
Tren will always give you a lower igf1 reading than if you took the same amount of hgh without tren. Tren activate muscle satellite cells way more making the muscle capable of turning more of the free flowing igf1 in the bloodstream into skeletal muscle igf1.
I literally was questioning my whole existence when I opened those igf-1 test results almost went out to my garage and threw every kit in my fridge out in traffic. I’ve also seen that eating in a calorie deficit can cause a lower igf-1 reading which I in fact am.
So what you’re saying is I wasted my $80 to have it checked while being juiced to the gills on tren. I’ll get it check in May when I come off I guess. Thanks man