Low libido after tren cycle / need my libido back!


New Member
Two days ago i started taking clomid 100mg ed and nolva 20mg ed and i have noticed a very low libido and poor erection.
I was on a tren/test cycle for two month.
All the time i was on cycle i was horny as fuck but had no one to fuck. Now, i have met someone and will potentially be in a situation to use my dick at last, but now it is out of order, GOD DAMN!
Could this be clomid/nolva side efect or is it a shut down.?
Last cycle i only used clomid in my pct and had no issues.
I am seriously considering about blasting and cruising as i dont want to have any more kids anyway.

What do you guys think i should do?
Two days ago i started taking clomid 100mg ed and nolva 20mg ed and i have noticed a very low libido and poor erection.
I was on a tren/test cycle for two month.
All the time i was on cycle i was horny as fuck but had no one to fuck. Now, i have met someone and will potentially be in a situation to use my dick at last, but now it is out of order, GOD DAMN!
Could this be clomid/nolva side efect or is it a shut down.?
Last cycle i only used clomid in my pct and had no issues.
I am seriously considering about blasting and cruising as i dont want to have any more kids anyway.

What do you guys think i should do?
I had the libido issue 2 weeks into PCT..Don't know about poor erection (it's up when I need it). But after that, it return and no issue as of date..
A suppressed libido is a part of PCT and those who believe otherwise are either in for a disappointment OR are not EFFECTIVELY recovering their HTPA!

The remedy for many was already eluded to by the OP, CRUISING and F.... that HTPA recovery shit, until life throws them a wringer and they suddenly WANT KIDS, oops!
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Those are a requirement if one wants to KNOW if PCT was effective.

Doc, what about if someone has energy to train, keep up training with others using AAS, can get out of bed early and not feel lathargic, still eat 6/7/8 clean meals a day etc etc but still have libidos issues!? What receptor would not be responding?? Or what is suppressed? Would it be a mental problem!? Thanks doc
Doc, what about if someone has energy to train, keep up training with others using AAS, can get out of bed early and not feel lathargic, still eat 6/7/8 clean meals a day etc etc but still have libidos issues!? What receptor would not be responding?? Or what is suppressed? Would it be a mental problem!? Thanks doc

Someone like that NEEDS a beautiful women to remedy that "libido/receptor" issue :)
Someone like that NEEDS a beautiful women to remedy that "libido/receptor" issue :)

What if that someone did have an absolute stunner who is way above his pay grade/league who is doing everything she can to help libido issue but is getting more frustrated along with the non responsive fella! Thanks doc!

There are always going to be exceptions for outliers of that nature.
The latter are best sorted out on a case by case basis in a physicians office.

Anything else, for all intents and purposes, is PURE CONJECTURE!
Well your a doc and I'm in your office ;-) I don't know what conjecture means but I get what your saying doc there are lots of reasons and to accurately pinpoint what the exact reason could be is a tough task. I was just curious about what the body dies to act that way..... And if he definitely is not turning gay!