Low SHBG vs High SHBG


New Member
Hello fellows.

So, this question has come up a bit often on libido related posts and so on but since content and context was mixed up maybe we can get some clarification on this topic exclusively.

Question is, is there any proof that connects Low vs High SHBG to increased "feeling" of hormones?

I don't know, but I feel that with low SHBG sometimes I don't feel the libido rise so much as opposed to having high-normal SHBG.

Problem is nothing can be done apparently to raise it or better question why would you?

Fact is SHBG is needed to transport sexual hormones through the body and make them available to the organs and such?

Low SHBG means higher free testosterone sure, is that a good thing for gains only? wouldn't some SHBG still be needed to make you "FEEL" it instead of just bulking up without other added benefits?

I know, lots of question, maybe the docs can enlighten us!
“Dialyzable free T level was normal (174 pmol/L [120–750 pmol/L]), but plasma SHBG was repeatedly undetectable using two different assays (detection limit, 0.35 nmol/L) (low T (4.8 nmol/L, measured at 8:30 AM [10–30 nmol/L])). Despite normal free T levels, the patient had multiple signs that could be related to a decreased T availability - low libido, decreased spontaneous morning erections, fatigue, muscular weakness, decreased shaving frequency (once per 4 d), inability to concentrate, sleep disturbance, and depressed mood.”

Vos MJ, Mijnhout GS, Rondeel JMM, Baron W, Groeneveld PHP. Sex hormone binding globulin deficiency due to a homozygous missense mutation. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. http://press.endocrine.org/doi/abs/10.1210/jc.2014-2055

Context - SHBG is known as the major sex steroid binding protein in plasma and regulates the bioavailability of both testosterone and estradiol levels required for effects on target tissues. We identified a man with an undetectable SHBG concentration in combination with a low total testosterone. He presented with a seven-year history of muscle weakness, fatigue and a low libido.

Objectives - To determine the cause of the SHBG deficiency we both employed genetic analysis of the SHBG gene and transgene SHBG expression.

Results - Genetic analysis identified a novel homozygous missense mutation which was predicted to be deleterious for protein function. Transgene expression showed that the mutation resulted in a block in SHBG secretion accompanied by increased expression of the endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperone HSPA5.

The mutation results in accumulation of the mutant SHBG within the cell and failure to secrete the mutant protein. Screening of family members identified one sister also deficient for SHBG.

Conclusions - We have identified a family with a missense mutation within the SHBG gene, which results in a complete deficiency of plasma SHBG in the homozygous state. Although total testosterone level was low in the male patient, it did not interfere with normal gonadal development and spermatogenesis, suggesting a limited role of SHBG in sexual maturation and male physiology.
Although Scally's study suggests that SHBG doesn't play a role I would disagree.

And a level of "174 pmol/L" with a reference range of 120–750 pmol/L wouldn't be considered "NORMAL" to me. Every person is different and 174 is low for some as with the person whom is experiencing those symptoms of low T. Not to mention his total T is "low.."

I emailed the doctor that performed the study and will let you know of his response.
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Although Scally's study suggests that SHBG doesn't play a role I would disagree.

And a level of "174 pmol/L" with a reference range of 120–750 pmol/L wouldn't be considered "NORMAL" to me. Every person is different and 174 is low for some as with the person whom is experiencing those symptoms of low T. Not to mention his total T is "low.."

Dr. Sworder is an expert in the field, of course. :rolleyes:

I emailed the doctor that performed the study and will let you know of his response.

Dr. Sworder is an expert in the field.

Lol no that's why I emailed somebody else. Scally lost his ability to reply probably as a side effect of you being here for 2 years. Before he used to actually post and write with his own words to members. Like I said the community has become retarded since your arrival along with the circle jerk crew.
Again you post with nothing regarding the thread. Learn how to shut the fuck up bud.