Low T - 6 Months Post Cycle


New Member
Sup fellas. Having some issues after my 3rd and most recent cycle. I ran an 18 week cycle of Sust 250 (500mg/week) with 300mg/week of tren ace starting at week 10 and running til week 18. adex was used at .5mg eod starting week 8 and tapering down to .5e3d during pct.hcg was used at 500iu/week starting at week 8 (only started so late due to a source issue). My pct consisted of clomid(100/50/25/25) and torem(100/60/60/60) which started 2 weeks after my last sustanon shot. I had labs run a week after my pct finished and it showed my total test at 1100ng/dL. I misplaced my lab work sheet and don't recall the freetestosterone number, but it was well above the normal range (9.3-26.5pg/mL).. I think it was around 38-39 or so. My issue is, that now 6 months later my labs show that my total test is down to 280ng/dL and my free test is 5.3pg/mL. My LH and estro levels seem fine with LH at 3.8 and estradiol at 8pg/mL (seems low if anything). This cycle was run in anticipation for a show. Can I run another serm to get myself going? Should I do a high dose run of hcg? Any advice is much appreciated.

23y/o 215lbs 5'10 @ 10% BF measured hydrostatically
Sup fellas. Having some issues after my 3rd and most recent cycle. I ran an 18 week cycle of Sust 250 (500mg/week) with 300mg/week of tren ace starting at week 10 and running til week 18. adex was used at .5mg eod starting week 8 and tapering down to .5e3d during pct.hcg was used at 500iu/week starting at week 8 (only started so late due to a source issue). My pct consisted of clomid(100/50/25/25) and torem(100/60/60/60) which started 2 weeks after my last sustanon shot. I had labs run a week after my pct finished and it showed my total test at 1100ng/dL. I misplaced my lab work sheet and don't recall the freetestosterone number, but it was well above the normal range (9.3-26.5pg/mL).. I think it was around 38-39 or so. My issue is, that now 6 months later my labs show that my total test is down to 280ng/dL and my free test is 5.3pg/mL. My LH and estro levels seem fine with LH at 3.8 and estradiol at 8pg/mL (seems low if anything). This cycle was run in anticipation for a show. Can I run another serm to get myself going? Should I do a high dose run of hcg? Any advice is much appreciated.

23y/o 215lbs 5'10 @ 10% BF measured hydrostatically

You started PCT too early and got bloods done too soon after your "PCT." Your blood test after one week of stopping SERMs was totally useless considering your HPTA wasn't really standing on its own two feet, so to speak. Maybe next time skip the Sustanon or switch to prop for the last 4 weeks.

I don't really see a problem with running another PCT because you really don't have another option. Just my two cents.
Sup fellas. Having some issues after my 3rd and most recent cycle. I ran an 18 week cycle of Sust 250 (500mg/week) with 300mg/week of tren ace starting at week 10 and running til week 18. adex was used at .5mg eod starting week 8 and tapering down to .5e3d during pct.hcg was used at 500iu/week starting at week 8 (only started so late due to a source issue). My pct consisted of clomid(100/50/25/25) and torem(100/60/60/60) which started 2 weeks after my last sustanon shot. I had labs run a week after my pct finished and it showed my total test at 1100ng/dL. I misplaced my lab work sheet and don't recall the freetestosterone number, but it was well above the normal range (9.3-26.5pg/mL).. I think it was around 38-39 or so. My issue is, that now 6 months later my labs show that my total test is down to 280ng/dL and my free test is 5.3pg/mL. My LH and estro levels seem fine with LH at 3.8 and estradiol at 8pg/mL (seems low if anything). This cycle was run in anticipation for a show. Can I run another serm to get myself going? Should I do a high dose run of hcg? Any advice is much appreciated.

23y/o 215lbs 5'10 @ 10% BF measured hydrostatically

A higher dosage of HCG will not necessarily work better than a low dosage,
everyone reacts differently, you can begin between 800 and 1000 iu's per example every 3 days.
Take Arimidex or Nolvadex as A.I, because with HCG sometime the oestrogen level up greatly :D
Personal advice, try adding HMG @ 2 or 3 x per week @75 UI's with your HCG, they work wonderfully, but unfortunately costs a bit more than the hcg.

Good luck ! :-)

You started PCT too early and got bloods done too soon after your "PCT." Your blood test after one week of stopping SERMs was totally useless considering your HPTA wasn't really standing on its own two feet, so to speak. Maybe next time skip the Sustanon or switch to prop for the last 4 weeks.

I don't really see a problem with running another PCT because you really don't have another option. Just my two cents.
+1 :)