Low Test after PCT. help


New Member
Hey guys I need some help here. I did a cycle that looked like this
Test e 500mg/wk week 1-16
Deca 500mg/wk week 1-14
Dbol 50mg/day week 1-4
Aromasin 12.5mg/day week 1-17
Caber .5mg 2Xwk week 1-15
Hcg 1000mg/wk week 7-16
PCT 2 weeks after last test inj
nova 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Got bloodwork on cycle and test came back over 3000.
6-8 weeks after PCT and I'm sitting here with test at 270 and I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe the Deca was still in my system during PCT? Obviously bunk PCT is possible but the source was pretty reliable. Either way I'm getting more from a different source. Any other ideas guys? Thanks
I'm no doctor but I would have stopped pinning deca at 12 weeks and waited an extra week for pct... I also would have run the nolva/clomid mix loger by a few weeks. Was the nolva, clomid and hcg ugl or pharm? Strong possibility one or all were bunk.
That's some really good advice. They were all ugl so you're right that's a good possibility. I can't seem to find affordable pharm grade stuff. I've looked at AllDayChemist and reliablerxpharmacy but I'm worried about quality. Do you have any recommendations?
European pharmacueticals on this board. Tell him it's a rush... he has all brand name pharm hcg and pct. I would do a quick restart of 1000 iu ed for ten days, then do clomid/ralox at standard doses for five weeks, let them clear for a couple weeks and test again.
Will do. Just curious, and I know you get what you pay for, but do you know of any other legit pharmacy grade sources that may be a little more affordable? I'm kinda shallow on cash right now but obviously my hormones are my priority.
Switch the ralox for tamox and buy the hcg domestic. Hcg can be tested with a regular pregnancy test stick so you know if you got bruned right off the bat... I don't know of any cheap domestic hcg because I cruise, but it shouldnt be tough to find.
Hey guys I need some help here. I did a cycle that looked like this
Test e 500mg/wk week 1-16
Deca 500mg/wk week 1-14
Dbol 50mg/day week 1-4
Aromasin 12.5mg/day week 1-17
Caber .5mg 2Xwk week 1-15
Hcg 1000mg/wk week 7-16
PCT 2 weeks after last test inj
nova 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Got bloodwork on cycle and test came back over 3000.
6-8 weeks after PCT and I'm sitting here with test at 270 and I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe the Deca was still in my system during PCT? Obviously bunk PCT is possible but the source was pretty reliable. Either way I'm getting more from a different source. Any other ideas guys? Thanks
Hcg should have been started no longer than week #2.

Probably stopping deca 2 weeks earlier than what you posted may have helped

And you probably started pct too soon. Probably should have started pct a month after your last test e shot.

And...pct could have been longer. Maybe you can redo your pct now (start again).

also I would have run aromasin during pct....

Get your pct from reliablerx or alldaychemist
Hcg should have been started no longer than week #2.

Probably stopping deca 2 weeks earlier than what you posted may have helped

And you probably started pct too soon. Probably should have started pct a month after your last test e shot.

And...pct could have been longer. Maybe you can redo your pct now (start again).

also I would have run aromasin during pct....

Get your pct from reliablerx or alldaychemist
Thanks for the advice mghoward. Sorry I'm just now seeing this. I did another pct so I'll be getting bloods again soon. I won't be incorporating deca into any cycles for a while. Is it possible that my body just can't handle it and I should never use it due to shutdown? Also why do you recommend aromasin during pct?
European pharmacueticals on this board. Tell him it's a rush... he has all brand name pharm hcg and pct. I would do a quick restart of 1000 iu ed for ten days, then do clomid/ralox at standard doses for five weeks, let them clear for a couple weeks and test again.
Hey brutus i searched for european pharmaceuticals and i couldnt find him.. Do you know how i can get in contact with him?