Low test and high deca - bro science?


New Member
I see in the internet that most of them take high dose of test with deca as if it's a medically approved protocol, and deca only cycle is very much criticized. What is the logic behind it?
Its evident that Natural test production gets even more impacted if we add more suppressants. So how does it matter? Adding Test prevents deca dick? Lol

I run low test with deca and I'm on the 4th week of 500mg deca and 250 test cypionate cycle. I added cyp from last week. When and what can i expect additionally. Just curious.
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I dont really care for the idea much, I'm not 100 percent sure but I think it's to lower side effects from the test. I guess the decca only or high decca low test or 1 to 1 ratio even can cause sexual disfunction. What u describe was my first cycle but backwards. I think I ran 500 test 250 decca. Great cycle I would run again but a little high higher dose because i been doing it for a while already , I like the way I feel on higher test and I would just like a little decca on the side for added benefits a little strength and some joint relief.
I never tried deca higher than test so hopefully some guru will provide info.

But deca only cycle for me is a no, test should always be the base of any cycle IMO.
I have never taken test with deca. I have never gotten this 'deca dick'. It seems to be when people mix the two problems arise. Back in the 70s 80s it was very common to run just deca.

HPGA is suppressed with any exogenous androgens, particularly aromatizing ones like testosterone, nandrolone, ment, dbol, etc via estrogens feedback. One could run a low dose of anavar for example and exhibit minimal suppression (theoretically) and in my n=1 I have recovered after nandrolone blasts a couple times with no PCT still running 5-10mg var.

250mg/weekly, T cyp, is not "low test" haha. Low would be <70mg
I have never taken test with deca. I have never gotten this 'deca dick'. It seems to be when people mix the two problems arise. Back in the 70s 80s it was very common to run just deca.

HPGA is suppressed with any exogenous androgens, particularly aromatizing ones like testosterone, nandrolone, ment, dbol, etc via estrogens feedback. One could run a low dose of anavar for example and exhibit minimal suppression (theoretically) and in my n=1 I have recovered after nandrolone blasts a couple times with no PCT still running 5-10mg var.

250mg/weekly, T cyp, is not "low test" haha. Low would be <70mg
250 is definitely low test to run in a cycle enless ur a woman, are you? Lol. I came off completely for over 6 months after decca cycles and my balls never came back on without pct . Everyone is different.
I had great results from a high deca, low test cycle. I ran test at 250, deca at 900. It was one of the best feeling cycles I've ever ran.
I never tried deca higher than test so hopefully some guru will provide info.

But deca only cycle for me is a no, test should always be the base of any cycle IMO.
Why do you think the test should be the base of any cycle? Most of them have this opinion. So just curious to know.
I think this is something people overthink. I mean all the “low this high that” threads in general. Drugs do things. More drugs do more things, and less drugs do less things. Would you like more or less of the things testosterone and/or deca do? That’s how I’d be thinking about it.
The reason I did it was because I was having acne issues, so I wanted to lower the more androgenic drugs and raise the less androgenic drug. It worked. I also removed mast early into it.
Haha I just meant it isn't a "low" dose of test, it is triple a real TRT dose. For a cycle it sure is on the lower side yea. I wouldn't shut down my HPGA for just 250 test lol
true I get alot of shit for crusing at 200-250 test lol I wouldnt shut down myself for 250 test either elness I already had really low test which i did naturally.
Why do you think the test should be the base of any cycle? Most of them have this opinion. So just curious to know.
Because without test as base any other steroid u will add will shut you down and you would not feel good as far as libido, focus and other factors.

This is what I heard from others but I never tried a Deca only cycle to confirm this theory.
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Why do you think the test should be the base of any cycle? Most of them have this opinion. So just curious to know.
Test is best "just copying what other people say lol.

First I know that test makes me feel great because I've taken it by its self, I get energy increased sex drive aggression in the gym, motivation . Also it's the most studied and we actually produce it in our body so our body knows what to do with it , also taking other shit without test will lower or shut down ur body's own test.
I have never taken test with deca. I have never gotten this 'deca dick'. It seems to be when people mix the two problems arise. Back in the 70s 80s it was very common to run just deca.

HPGA is suppressed with any exogenous androgens, particularly aromatizing ones like testosterone, nandrolone, ment, dbol, etc via estrogens feedback. One could run a low dose of anavar for example and exhibit minimal suppression (theoretically) and in my n=1 I have recovered after nandrolone blasts a couple times with no PCT still running 5-10mg var.

250mg/weekly, T cyp, is not "low test" haha. Low would be <70mg

My experience is the same. When I take nandrolone with any amount of test, and I've tried even super low amounts and all the ratios, I get ED within a day or so. Its like a switch flips. This is the same whether NPP or decanoate. And I found the mental health issues hit me as well.

Tried deca alone and no problems whatsoever.
Because without test as base any other steroid u will add will shut you down and you would not feel good as far as libido, focus and other factors.

This is what I heard from others but I never tried a Deca only cycle to confirm this theory.
My experience is that Deca solo didn't lower my libido, but altered it. Like, I had high sexual desire but without feeling sex crazed. I felt more in control of myself if that makes sense. I certainly made some of the best decisions regarding women while on Deca. I imagine because I wasn't leading with my junk.

Also, I ran 400mgs a week, every week, for the last two years of University (I obviously don't recommend this). I had plenty of focus and was very productive. But I'm certain experiences vary.
My beloved deca!

This year I switched my base from testosterone I was using all those years to nandrolone d.
All those years I combined it with testosterone
Either higher test or equal. Haven’t had and bad side effect except bloating and high BP.

After a long trt only 2 years and lot of times dropped trt too I realised I was sensitive to e2.
Had bottles of deca and I gave it a try.

Well if you’re responding good to the compound it’s gonna work like a smoother testosterone.
What I mean is the muscle gonna come but slower and smoother in comparison to testosterone. You slowly add mass to the right places.
While it’s not dry it isn’t as wet as testosterone.
Except to bloat if you don’t have your diet dialled in.
It makes joints feel great it’s a characteristic that I need .it’s great for strength at least for myself because it makes my pain go away.

It’s a lot more humble testosterone if you’re responding good to it. Test gives bigger gains size and weight ime. But nandrolone gives half the gains but will look better.

As far as side effects , my cock felt numb one time during sex while still hard. Fixed that with combining masteron proviron.

It goes with anything really just like testosterone.
If y combine it with an androgen it comes to life, if you combine it with an aromatizable androgen except rapid increase in strength mass water aka blow up but also except very increased side effects.
Because without test as base any other steroid u will add will shut you down and you would not feel good as far as libido, focus and other factors.

This is what I heard from others but I never tried a Deca only cycle to confirm this theory.

But as per studies, if we add any external testosterone on our system, it signals our body to shut down its own natural production.
You may feel the benefits of test while on the cycle. But in the long run i feel we are shutting down even more with adding test on our system.

I've done deca only cycle twice. First one was 12 years back and the last one a year ago. I dint find any noticeable side affects. Sex drive was normal either.