Low test and high deca - bro science?

My experience is the same. When I take nandrolone with any amount of test, and I've tried even super low amounts and all the ratios, I get ED within a day or so. Its like a switch flips. This is the same whether NPP or decanoate. And I found the mental health issues hit me as well.

Tried deca alone and no problems whatsoever.

Good stuff. Only problem with deca is you need a new wardrobe after a while cause nothing fits anymore.
Good stuff. Only problem with deca is you need a new wardrobe after a while cause nothing fits anymore.
Dude tell me about it, just had to get a new suit fitted for a wedding, $500. Only downside to gettin' huge.

My old one looked ridiculous on me.
I have been running TRT (140mg T) + 200mg deca, each microdosed eod subq and felt super horny (at a level that started annoying the missus) up until 30 days in and then suddenly just lost all interest in sex.

I dont really have ED as still getting morning wood but its just mentally lost interest completely. Could be that due to subq microdosing it took that long for the Nandrolone serum level to peak and probably I just need a small dose of DHT to get back on track (or prolactin but will see after bloodwork next week, some say prolactin increase by nand is a myth). I'll experiment adding low dose of var after i see my bloodwork on the current protocol to see if it makes a difference.

I do feel even with such a small dose I'm gaining more muscle and definitely more strength compared to when i was running 500 Test + 150 primo (only used Primo to control my E2)

Btw it's not really broscience to run Nandrolone coupled with low dose test but it's kinda common sense to avoid depriving your body from Estrogen. All of the studies showing the deleterious effects of Nandrolone are without any Test base or Estrogen replacement.
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I’m a high aromatizer so I always run test lower than nandrolone and never had an issue. My first cycle was Deca only with zero issues. Could just be an individual thing