Low Test High LH


New Member
Just got my BW back and I am freakin out a little.
I'm kinda brand new on here, and to AAS in general, so I know I will probably get roasted on this post, but I could really use some help.
I'm 38 yrs old, and I finished my second cycle three months ago:
8 weeks Test/tren/masteron mix
4 weeks Sust
4 weeks cyp
16 weeks arimidex .05 eod

I know I probably shouldn't have switched between these mixes, and I didn't plan to at first, but I obviously didn't plan my cycle correctly, and this was what was available at the time. So, I know I will get roasted on that, thanks in advance.

Started PCT 18 days after last pin
Clomid - 75/50/50/50
Nolva - 20/20/20/20/20

Test is low, LH is high, I think estridol is high, but its in range. What should I do? Start another pct? I was going to start another cycle for the new year, but planned better this time. Is that a really bad idea?

I had blood work done 7 weeks after finished PCT:

Sometimes that sust can have testosterone with very long esters and will linger for a bit.
Not a big deal, and probably not even a factor in your case.

Most guys would be seeing some pretty decent TT levels with LH over 9, so that tells us that your nuts are struggling to make test. I think you should just wait it out and give yourself time. While it probably wouldnt hurt to take some low dose clomid and nolva while you rebound, it may do nothing to help. SERMs just trick your HPTA into making more LH and FSH and you have plenty of both.

You could also be one of those guys that never bounces back and has to go TRT, its not common but does happen.

What was your level before cycling?
Sometimes that sust can have testosterone with very long esters and will linger for a bit.
Not a big deal, and probably not even a factor in your case.

Most guys would be seeing some pretty decent TT levels with LH over 9, so that tells us that your nuts are struggling to make test. I think you should just wait it out and give yourself time. While it probably wouldnt hurt to take some low dose clomid and nolva while you rebound, it may do nothing to help. SERMs just trick your HPTA into making more LH and FSH and you have plenty of both.

You could also be one of those guys that never bounces back and has to go TRT, its not common but does happen.

What was your level before cycling?

Thanks a lot for the reply, man.

I had some BW done about a 1.5 years ago with another doctor. I have to wait until morning to get those results again. At the time he told me my T levels were "normal", so I just took his word for it. Now I'm interested to know exactly what the level was.

What would you consider a "low" dose of clomid and nolva? I understand that my LH is already high, but I'm definitely going to give it a try anyway.

The funny thing is I feel decent. My libido is good, not what it was while on cycle, but I'm not having any problems. I'm training 5 days a week, and while I lost probably about 15 lbs, I still retained some gains. My energy is pretty good. I was seriously surprised at the T level.
Time will probably be the answer here. It is great that you feel good.
Normal test could be as 250 depending on the lab or Dr.

I'd take a 12.25 MG dose of clomid or 5mg of Nolvadex daily as a small dose.
Baseline levels from 2015
Fsh - 6.1
Lh - 6.2
Free test - 53.4.
Test total - 503

I can't seem to find free test on my current bw that I posted. Not sure if its called something else.

So, I guess Im half way there. I don't know if I should be that optimistic. I will get bloods again in a month, and hopefully see some improvement. If not, I guess I'll look into trt, fml.
Dont panic, you'll probably be fine. For most guys natty test levels drop with age and is accelerated with repeated cycling.

As long as you feel good, that is what counts. If you can make it to mid 40's before needing TRT that would be a real good thing.
Just HCG by it self, or in addition to nolva/clomid? What do u think for dosing in this situation, 500 iu or lower?
Just HCG by it self, or in addition to nolva/clomid? What do u think for dosing in this situation, 500 iu or lower?

HCG in combination with nolva/clomid. Dr. Scally has a pct protocol on here I'd recommend you read up on. I goes in explicit detail on how much and what to run as well as for how long.
Time will probably be the answer here. It is great that you feel good.
Normal test could be as 250 depending on the lab or Dr.

I'd take a 12.25 MG dose of clomid or 5mg of Nolvadex daily as a small dose.
Time will probably be the answer here. It is great that you feel good.
Normal test could be as 250 depending on the lab or Dr.

I'd take a 12.25 MG dose of clomid or 5mg of Nolvadex daily as a small dose.

Thanks for the advice Burrr. Test is coming back to normal. Its actually a little higher than what my baseline was. I've been doing the low dose of clo/nolva for two weeks. My LH has come back down, and is in range now. FSH is the same. So I'm not sure if the low dose had any effect on me producing TT, or if I just needed a couple more weeks of recovery. Either way I feel a lot better about it. Estradiol has come down a bit, but I expected it to be a lot lower while on SERM. Maybe that helped, idk. I guess I over reacted. But I read up on the power pct post, and I think I will try throwing in some hcg next time like DOC suggested. Hopefully I can avoid such a long recovery.

