Lowest effective dose of Deca/NPP for joint relief


Hello guys

Lately my elbows and knee's have been troubling me, joints in general feel pretty sore lately and i am thinking of adding a little bit of NPP/Deca.

I dont want to add that much gear as i am running quite a lot already and so far my bloodmarkers have not been impacted that badly.

Currently running
250 Test (125mg e3d)
250 Primo (125mg e3d)
70mg Tren A (10mg daily pins)
+ 3iu of GH (will discontinue GH in a month, just using up the last bits i have together with the last vial of Tren A)

As i can see it already coming "your e2 is too low" at 1:1 (without the Tren) my e2 is at 45

Been through some posts here and the joint relief seems to be really good but at higher doses it seems like its screwing around with people mentally
At the same time i like the idea of utilizing another pathway for some additional gains

With that being said, can anyone recommend or share his experience with that specific issue?
Is it smarter to start with NPP and Deca to get the effects quicker and then move out the NPP switch fully to deca or stick to npp permantly?
Would 50-75mgs be enough?

Never used Nandrolone before, just looking for general advice and peoples experiences.
Feel free to discuss as well