Lowest effective dose of Deca/NPP for joint relief


Hello guys

Lately my elbows and knee's have been troubling me, joints in general feel pretty sore lately and i am thinking of adding a little bit of NPP/Deca.

I dont want to add that much gear as i am running quite a lot already and so far my bloodmarkers have not been impacted that badly.

Currently running
250 Test (125mg e3d)
250 Primo (125mg e3d)
70mg Tren A (10mg daily pins)
+ 3iu of GH (will discontinue GH in a month, just using up the last bits i have together with the last vial of Tren A)

As i can see it already coming "your e2 is too low" at 1:1 (without the Tren) my e2 is at 45

Been through some posts here and the joint relief seems to be really good but at higher doses it seems like its screwing around with people mentally
At the same time i like the idea of utilizing another pathway for some additional gains

With that being said, can anyone recommend or share his experience with that specific issue?
Is it smarter to start with NPP and Deca to get the effects quicker and then move out the NPP switch fully to deca or stick to npp permantly?
Would 50-75mgs be enough?

Never used Nandrolone before, just looking for general advice and peoples experiences.
Feel free to discuss as well
I have a pretty similar stack right now. 250 enan. 300 primo. 200 tren. 4iu of growth

Started with 15 mg daily NPP. Seems relief came at 30. Now 40 seems a sweet spot for me overall.

Mentally it effs me Tried running if a few times before but I tend to throw in the towel after a week.

This time I think I found the culprit. I upped my ai. From 12.5 e3-4d to eod.

Seems that paranoia etc is caused by the e2. Nandrolone exacerbates aromatization and I am a heavy aromatizer. For example , on 200 test , 600 primo and 7mg daily Chinese aromasin I’m at 90 e2.

Now I’m using pharma aromasin. 12.5 mg every 3-4 days but with nPP I switched to eod. This time purely going off mental sides , which went away when I made the ai more frequemt. Also this time I didn’t get an appetite spike that I always did with NPP

No water gain either. Joint pain totally gone. Did more for me than 600 mg Advil 2x per day. Still running TB500 and BPc but the NPP helps immensely.
This is my exact cycle. Was on test/primo +3iu hgh for a long time, decided to add in 150mg NPP for joint relief (first time with deca) and it really did the job. Also my recovery has been much better and i look so much fuller. No side effects to speak of besides hair loss has gone crazy after adding NPP. No prolactin sides, water gain or bloat at all, so far my best cycle i've ever ran. You will enjoy NPP at this dosage.

No mental side effects as others experience, it just makes you lazier, and overthink stuff. All you want to do on npp is train, eat and sleep. It's the perfect bodybuilding drug if you don't have a life lol

Remove tren, im cutting on npp this summer and look great. Not going to run tren again after trying out NPP.
This is my exact cycle. Was on test/primo +3iu hgh for a long time, decided to add in 150mg NPP for joint relief (first time with deca) and it really did the job. Also my recovery has been much better and i look so much fuller. No side effects to speak of besides hair loss has gone crazy after adding NPP. No prolactin sides, water gain or bloat at all, so far my best cycle i've ever ran. You will enjoy NPP at this dosage.

No mental side effects as others experience, it just makes you lazier, and overthink stuff. All you want to do on npp is train, eat and sleep. It's the perfect bodybuilding drug if you don't have a life lol

Remove tren, im cutting on npp this summer and look great. Not going to run tren again after trying out NPP.

Have you tried RU for your hair ? It’s been quite effective at keeping my hair unchanged despite running mostly scalp unfriendly compounds and doses. (Primo up to a gram , tren 700 , mast 700 etc. ). Even primo tren and winny was held back by RU. The only time is saw shedding is running high primo and 100+ daily winny. 50mg winny with either primo and or tren has been fine.

I also run minox + topical dut. Oral dut. I also began using topical estradiol in my minox home brew. But this is more to see if I can get hair gains. As far as damage mitigation from androgens I think RU has higher affinity than e2.
This is my exact cycle. Was on test/primo +3iu hgh for a long time, decided to add in 150mg NPP for joint relief (first time with deca) and it really did the job. Also my recovery has been much better and i look so much fuller. No side effects to speak of besides hair loss has gone crazy after adding NPP. No prolactin sides, water gain or bloat at all, so far my best cycle i've ever ran. You will enjoy NPP at this dosage.

No mental side effects as others experience, it just makes you lazier, and overthink stuff. All you want to do on npp is train, eat and sleep. It's the perfect bodybuilding drug if you don't have a life lol

Remove tren, im cutting on npp this summer and look great. Not going to run tren again after trying out NPP.

What doses are you on ? Just test and NPP or
Do you still have any DHTs in there ?

I’ve got 10mg var and 10mg mast daily on top of the primo

I wonder if it’s worth trying deca or if NPP is good enough. I’ve got NPP on hand and am just thinking which raws are worth getting. I’ve effectively turned most of my fast ester compounds into slow burners by brewing them in castor oil. (Phenomenal subq experience. ) so maybe NPP raws are most flexible. Brew a vial in MCT and pin that in the beginning alongside the castor brew while saturation builds
What doses are you on ? Just test and NPP or
Do you still have any DHTs in there ?

I’ve got 10mg var and 10mg mast daily on top of the primo

I wonder if it’s worth trying deca or if NPP is good enough. I’ve got NPP on hand and am just thinking which raws are worth getting. I’ve effectively turned most of my fast ester compounds into slow burners by brewing them in castor oil. (Phenomenal subq experience. ) so maybe NPP raws are most flexible. Brew a vial in MCT and pin that in the beginning alongside the castor brew while saturation builds
250 test, 250 primo, 200 npp at the moment. i started out with 150mg npp. I only pin MWF and have no hormone fluctuations or acne.

Im also currently running 20mg anavar per day on top.
Hello guys

Lately my elbows and knee's have been troubling me, joints in general feel pretty sore lately and i am thinking of adding a little bit of NPP/Deca.

I dont want to add that much gear as i am running quite a lot already and so far my bloodmarkers have not been impacted that badly.

Currently running
250 Test (125mg e3d)
250 Primo (125mg e3d)
70mg Tren A (10mg daily pins)
+ 3iu of GH (will discontinue GH in a month, just using up the last bits i have together with the last vial of Tren A)

As i can see it already coming "your e2 is too low" at 1:1 (without the Tren) my e2 is at 45

Been through some posts here and the joint relief seems to be really good but at higher doses it seems like its screwing around with people mentally
At the same time i like the idea of utilizing another pathway for some additional gains

With that being said, can anyone recommend or share his experience with that specific issue?
Is it smarter to start with NPP and Deca to get the effects quicker and then move out the NPP switch fully to deca or stick to npp permantly?
Would 50-75mgs be enough?

Never used Nandrolone before, just looking for general advice and peoples experiences.
Feel free to discuss as well
I used 50 mg Deca for 12 weeks (pinned 1x per week) on top of TRT for elbow tendonitis. Took several weeks to start helping (as expected) but worked like a charm. Note that I also lowered my poundages, did some physical therapy and massage as well as backed-off aggaravating lifts during this period too in order to heal. The condition never returned post-Deca for me (others have experienced otherwise).

Personally I wouldnt run Deca for any other reason - it really hits my BP due to water weight, even with managed E2
This is my exact cycle. Was on test/primo +3iu hgh for a long time, decided to add in 150mg NPP for joint relief (first time with deca) and it really did the job. Also my recovery has been much better and i look so much fuller. No side effects to speak of besides hair loss has gone crazy after adding NPP. No prolactin sides, water gain or bloat at all, so far my best cycle i've ever ran. You will enjoy NPP at this dosage.

No mental side effects as others experience, it just makes you lazier, and overthink stuff. All you want to do on npp is train, eat and sleep. It's the perfect bodybuilding drug if you don't have a life lol

Remove tren, im cutting on npp this summer and look great. Not going to run tren again after trying out NPP.

Yeah i threw the Tren A already out. Was driving me mentally into a weird spot. Not worth it.

Currently just running Primo and Test with Proviron, pretty happy overall, making good progress at the moment on that.
Also thrown out the GH last week (used it all up)
I used 50 mg Deca for 12 weeks (pinned 1x per week) on top of TRT for elbow tendonitis. Took several weeks to start helping (as expected) but worked like a charm. Note that I also lowered my poundages, did some physical therapy and massage as well as backed-off aggaravating lifts during this period too in order to heal. The condition never returned post-Deca for me (others have experienced otherwise).

Personally I wouldnt run Deca for any other reason - it really hits my BP due to water weight, even with managed E2

Yeah my biggest fear is the BP and Waterweight. My E2 is well controlled with Primo, dont think its much but already on Tren my BP went up really high, was my first time using a nor19 so my fear is that it will be the same with Deca
Hi guys. Just wanted to add my own experience. I found joint relief at 350mg per week minimum (ED pin) but 60mg per day takes away all swelling and pain.

This is alongside test and primo as well.
I am running 100mg of Deca on top of my TRT took awhile but it definitely helped my elbow. Was thinking about dropping it to 50mg and see if it still works.