Better joint relief on Deca or npp ?

With both being 19-nor I know the comparison will be very close. But I still want to ask the experts (you guys) your feedback / experience with the best joint pain relief, was it on deca or npp, were the side effects worth that extra relief on one vs the other?
My joints are definitely acting up the older I get, old injuries from sports, and being run over by a car seem to be making themselves present.

You guys are awesome, thanks for your feedback
I've found joint pain relief to be quite effective with both Decaand NPP .Deca tends to provide more prolonged relief due to its longer half-life, but it may come with a higher risk of estrogenic side effects. On the other hand, NPP offers quicker relief and is associated with fewer estrogen-related issues. However, it's essential to weigh these benefits against potential side effects and consider your personal preferences when choosing between them
I know this thread is old but hoping to hear some others input. After reading this thread and some other experiences elsewhere I'm relived to see I'm not the only one who notices zero difference in terms of joints with NPP. This is my first time with NPP and I've never used deca (i know same drug different esters) but I've gone pretty high with my dose and still no noticeable difference in my joints. I didn't have bad joints to begin with but I'd say typical for a mid 30s man who's always been in the labor industry. I've heard people praise this stuff for its joint relief and it made them feel young again, I've also heard deca has better joint relief properties than NPP. Is this true? Or am I one of the unlucky guys who doesn't get the joint support?
As with every ped it’s different person to person. Also being 46 with a bad knee and shoulder I can absolutely tell you without a shadow of doubt both Deca and NPP cleared up my daily pain in both knee and shoulder at anything between 80-150 a week. I prefer NPP as i can adjust dose more quick. That said I may go Deca towards next year. At 30 and without any real joint issues I guess you would not notice it anyway even if it did work like it does for me on you.
Thanks for sharing. If I'm sitting for a long period of time I'm still slow to get up/loosen up but I guess that's just life. On the same note I don't seem to get any of the sides of a 19nor. Starting to wonder if my stuff is bunk lol.
It's essentially the same compound, just in different estered forms.

Both work great for joint relief, and improved collagen synthesis, even at low doses such as 100mg/week
Thanks for sharing. If I'm sitting for a long period of time I'm still slow to get up/loosen up but I guess that's just life. On the same note I don't seem to get any of the sides of a 19nor. Starting to wonder if my stuff is bunk lol.
Maybe, is it a reputable lab?
Maybe, is it a reputable lab?
I believe so, It's one of the main ones on here and I haven't heard of any bad gear reviews from them. Maybe some people bitching about eta or communications but I think the general consensus is they are g2g
For me, it all boils down to my specific goals. If I'm solely targeting joint pain, either option works since they're essentially the same compound. But when it comes to dosage, that's where my choice would differ. Deca tends to cause water retention, unlike NPP which behaves differently in that aspect.
Not to sound like a broken record like a broken record like a broken record like a broken record but have you tried using peptides like BPC157 or TB500, to name a few?
I've been digging into some research on peptides like BPC157 and TB500 myself. Just wondering what you think about them, you know? There's some talk about studies questioning whether they actually do anything for healing or if it's just a placebo effect. What's your take on it?

Ones opinion is great of course but that differs depending who you ask, referring to actual clinical study is of course the way to go regarding any type of product. Some say it works and they feel better where others state it does not do a thing and again the most recent studies are saying that there is no true evidence of them actually healing, is there?