Lowest effective dose of trenbolone?


New Member
What is generally considered the lowest effective dose of trenbolone?

Is there a sweet spot for the amount of testosterone used in conjunction?

Would 50-100mg per week be more likely to bring about some of the benefits and little to no sides?

Does sleep become effected by dose or duration?

Is masteron needed if the dose of trenbolone low enough to minimally impact other aspects like libido/mood, prolactin and progesterone?

Are other meds likely to be needed while running it?
For example: caber, sleep meds and gh?

Best approach to get the most from the least if used for the first time?

Any input is appreciated!
It's probably less than 100 mg weekly in my opinion. I've written about this topic here:

To quote:
Certainly, we can say that the 350 mg trenbolone acetate "beginner" dose is extremely high.

Human equivalent dosing from a Synovex implant that delivers 200 mg trenbolone acetate + 20 mg estradiol & has a duration of activity between 80 - 90 days equates to ≈ 0.078 mg/kg weekly, or 7.8 mg tren ace for 100 kg man.

Moreover, bovid are less AR-dense than humans in skeletal muscle, meaning that all else being equal they require a higher dose than humans for equivalent anabolism.

Of course, there are considerable differences in metabolism between man and bovid that might cause orders of magnitude discrepancies in net anabolism.

Bioluminescence data that quantifies the relative potency to transactivate the AR that suggests that 350 mg/w trenbolone is ≈ to 1.5 g/w testosterone.

Finally, we have human evidence, unfortunately with a high risk of bias, in the form of self-reports from professional bodybuilders who competed during the early 1980s to 1997 and used Negma's Parabolan. These professionals report using one or two 1.5 mL ampoules containing 76 mg of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (equivalent to 50 mg trenbolone base) weekly for phenomenal changes to physique.

After reasoning through all these considerations, we can say confidently that 350 mg weekly trenbolone acetate is stupidly high for a 180 lb man on his third cycle.
that prolactin shit is extremely overblown and you won't need it.
70mg affects my mood greatly but it does work.
also if you need sleep meds to handle tren as regular dude, tren is not for you, sleep meds are poison for the brain
that prolactin shit is extremely overblown and you won't need it.
70mg affects my mood greatly but it does work.
also if you need sleep meds to handle tren as regular dude, tren is not for you, sleep meds are poison for the brain
I even need sleep meds on TRT lmao, y'all are lucky.
What is generally considered the lowest effective dose of trenbolone?

Is there a sweet spot for the amount of testosterone used in conjunction?

Would 50-100mg per week be more likely to bring about some of the benefits and little to no sides?

Does sleep become effected by dose or duration?

Is masteron needed if the dose of trenbolone low enough to minimally impact other aspects like libido/mood, prolactin and progesterone?

Are other meds likely to be needed while running it?
For example: caber, sleep meds and gh?

Best approach to get the most from the least if used for the first time?

Any input is appreciated!
Everyone is so different genetically it's hard to say what would be a good dose for you. You most likely will need to experiment so you can see what works best for you. For instance I'm very lucky in that I don't often get bad sides and tolerate most things. I am pretty low-key in general so Tren doesn't turn me into a high strung psychopath -even at 450mgs per week. Other guys will turn into maniacs at 150mgs a week. There are too many factors at play to throw a specific number at you. Just take it slow and see what you tolerate best.
that prolactin shit is extremely overblown and you won't need it.
70mg affects my mood greatly but it does work.
also if you need sleep meds to handle tren as regular dude, tren is not for you, sleep meds are poison for the brain
Pharmaceutical sleep meds are definitely brain poison but melatonin is a natural sleep aid that works great for most ppl.