Lurker deciding to post


New Member
Hi, old time lurker, I've been on TRT for a year now, with a mild test (300/week) and var(40-60mg/day) cycle in between cruising.

I've been reading a lot and have mostly learned how the body and every compound works, what affects what, etc. Always been a bookworm in relation to body chemestry, nutrition, supplements, working out. When talking of AAS, it has been almost 2 years of studying about this continously (I started learning everything way before actually starting applying it.)

Started at 6'1 @ 255 lbs (116kg) now dropped to 211 lbs (96kg). I estimate around 16-18% bf right now.
Protein intake was kept high and I did 4 workouts a week (Upper Lower Rest Upper Lower) with 20-30 mins of Zone 2 cardio.
I kept a lot of mass while dropping a lot of body fat.
Also, for the first time in my life I have lots of veins showing all over my body even when I'm not pumped.
Used to workout really much years ago but had none.

Also did GH for a few months to try it out at 1-2iu/day but stopped as I had a busy period and couldn't space my meals from GH dosing properly which made my insulin resistance jump a bit.

Recently decided to change my TRT from test only (tried different dosages, from 125 to 200 per week). First added mast e at around 150/week, then later added deca while dropping test dosage.

Right now I'm on 140 test, 120 mast, 80 deca per week and feeling great. Mood, libido, joints, bp, all in check. Adding GH back at 1.5iu/day on workout days pre-bed (4 days/week).

During my cycle I had my bloods show I had very low ferritin which made me feel dizzy and weird for few weeks but I fixed it using a protocol I found online.

Everything else in my bloods is waaay improved compared to before starting TRT and working out.

I'm now interested in getting bigger and leaner over time while keeping my dosages minimal and playing it really safe on the health side.

Thanks fo reading, glad to be here!