Lurking since 2022


New Member
Hello Meso rx,

been lurking with this account since 2022. Have been reading many interesting threads over here. Have used some sources as well. I've been on TRT for 4 years, self prescribed as getting a legit prescription is almost impossible where I live.

I train kickboxing so I'm not really your typical "gym bro", though I don't compete, so please spare me with your "cheater" talk.

Mostly run 120mg/week with some orals or low does mast sprinkled in from time to time.

Hope I can learn more things from this forum even though my goals are a bit different than most of meso members

Cheers guys
Hey welcome,

I don’t know much in this field, but have you ever considered tbol as a choice for an oral? From what my friends have experienced, their endurance goes up quite a bit which may be helpful (I don’t kickbox so I don’t know lol). EQ helps too but from what I’ve read, cardarine is incredible in improving stamina and endurance.

Not sure if it applies to you but figured I’d throw it out there haha
Sorry forgot about tbol, yea that plus cardarine gives insane endurance. I try to stay away from EQ as even without TrT my hematocrits are naturally on the higher side. i've tried donating blood but that knocks me out for 2 solid days. I feel dizzy and can barely get out of bed.

though I try to be careful with cardarine due to maybe possible cancer risk. Better safe than sorry. Though I've never taken more than 10mgs per day.

Thank you for welcoming me and reminding me about cardarine and tbal.