Massive Warning: Control and Arrest Operation Imminent!

No, hes just mad Panda didn't give him a piece of the pie
Just perused your limited post history here at meso. You came in talking shit and insulting members while uttering gems like "I don't believe in HGH...I don't want to get acromegaly(I fixed your spelling)".

You've been here 2 months and all you've managed to do is shine a light on your ignorance and the fact that you weren't given enough nurturing in your formative years. I didn't lock you in your room with the TV as your only companion? Break the cycle. Go read some of my posts. See what happens when you give freely of yourself to help others.

Maybe you've got a chance to turn things around for yourself? This feeling sorry for yourself and being angry and polluting the places you find yourself hanging out is just a waste of time. I'm not offering to be a mentor...I've got a lot on my plate...but change the attitude and you may be surprised how things can take a turn.
Just perused your limited post history here at meso. You came in talking shit and insulting members while uttering gems like "I don't believe in HGH...I don't want to get acromegaly(I fixed your spelling)".

You've been here 2 months and all you've managed to do is shine a light on your ignorance and the fact that you weren't given enough nurturing in your formative years. I didn't lock you in your room with the TV as your only companion? Break the cycle. Go read some of my posts. See what happens when you give freely of yourself to help others.

Maybe you've got a chance to turn things around for yourself? This feeling sorry for yourself and being angry and polluting the places you find yourself hanging out is just a waste of time. I'm not offering to be a mentor...I've got a lot on my plate...but change the attitude and you may be surprised how things can take a turn.
These individuals come and go, I’m surprised you gave him some of your time to be honest.
These individuals come and go, I’m surprised you gave him some of your time to be honest.
That right? I've even got some for try and stay sharp. I honestly hope Panda stays safe. He's not saying the right things. In last 48hrs he's said that after that debacle in 2023(the article in this thread) he was really hurt and angry with Misriah who he felt was his best friend turned on him. Said he consulted with several lawyers who told him that he is no longer a fugitive from justice and that the charges against him have been dropped?

That makes no sense? He also said that even if he was still wanted he doubts very much that the usa would travel 4500+ miles to pull him off a mountain and bring him back? The boys in denial if he really believes that? There are fugitive recovery task forces who exist only to track guys down. They've got big budgets they've got to spend each and every year.
Just perused your limited post history here at meso. You came in talking shit and insulting members while uttering gems like "I don't believe in HGH...I don't want to get acromegaly(I fixed your spelling)".

You've been here 2 months and all you've managed to do is shine a light on your ignorance and the fact that you weren't given enough nurturing in your formative years. I didn't lock you in your room with the TV as your only companion? Break the cycle. Go read some of my posts. See what happens when you give freely of yourself to help others.

Maybe you've got a chance to turn things around for yourself? This feeling sorry for yourself and being angry and polluting the places you find yourself hanging out is just a waste of time. I'm not offering to be a mentor...I've got a lot on my plate...but change the attitude and you may be surprised how things can take a turn.
For years, anytime you have the opportunity to, you gossip about him.
little personal things, specific info you heard somewhere from the grape vine and dry snitching yet at the same time, you seem to claim some sort of moral high ground by doing so.

you want people to believe you were close to him. You really want to appear to be "in the know", so you drop names and dates and type
things in a way to make people think you are something you are not.

Kind of like an Italian uncle that talks alot about the neighborhood and act like hes friends with everybody, he'll tell you things to insinuate he was some sort of mobster.

You've written literally pages about this guy, waxing poetic about him, his supposed motivations, inner thoughts, what you imagine
his likes and dislikes to be.

You sound like you're mad he didn't want to be your BFF and you didn't get that sweet seaside mansion you were fantasizing about.

Sour grapes.

By the way, in one of your very own posts you claim you were a felon on probation and that you were caught by U.S marshalls because of a snitch.

So now you talk about Panda to try to get him locked up, because he didn't give you what you thought you deserved?

Because he didn't fly you to China and hand you a big stack of cash for having an old account here on Meso?

your posts regarding him are unlike anything I've seen on a public forum, especially in 2024.

You do a lot of talking for someone who has been locked up
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That right? I've even got some for try and stay sharp. I honestly hope Panda stays safe. He's not saying the right things. In last 48hrs he's said that after that debacle in 2023(the article in this thread) he was really hurt and angry with Misriah who he felt was his best friend turned on him. Said he consulted with several lawyers who told him that he is no longer a fugitive from justice and that the charges against him have been dropped?

That makes no sense? He also said that even if he was still wanted he doubts very much that the usa would travel 4500+ miles to pull him off a mountain and bring him back? The boys in denial if he really believes that? There are fugitive recovery task forces who exist only to track guys down. They've got big budgets they've got to spend each and every year.
How can you say you hope Panda stays safe, but anytime raws or china gets brought up, you type on a public forum about how he is a Drug addicted ladyboy lover screw up that can't get his life together, then give everyone a refresher on where he's at and where he's been?
That right? I've even got some for try and stay sharp. I honestly hope Panda stays safe. He's not saying the right things. In last 48hrs he's said that after that debacle in 2023(the article in this thread) he was really hurt and angry with Misriah who he felt was his best friend turned on him. Said he consulted with several lawyers who told him that he is no longer a fugitive from justice and that the charges against him have been dropped?

That makes no sense? He also said that even if he was still wanted he doubts very much that the usa would travel 4500+ miles to pull him off a mountain and bring him back? The boys in denial if he really believes that? There are fugitive recovery task forces who exist only to track guys down. They've got big budgets they've got to spend each and every year.
ROFL LMFAO. HAHAHA FUNNY SHIT. AT purple panda hiding out in a mountain in China. It's obvious he is paranoid as shit hiding out in a mountain in asia . Shit has hit the fan for ppd.

Hilarious how he thinks the charges would somehow drop? Probably a SEALED indictment meaning it's not visible to anyone even lawyers from my understanding.

And hilarious too how in the article he charted a private plane for his underlink to china to flee the country ..

Deer in eating Popcorn.gif
For years, anytime you have the opportunity to, you gossip about him.
little personal things, specific info you heard somewhere from the grape vine and dry snitching yet at the same time, you seem to claim some sort of moral high ground by doing so.

you want people to believe you were close to him. You really want to appear to be "in the know", so you drop names and dates and type
things in a way to make people think you are something you are not.

Kind of like an Italian uncle that talks alot about the neighborhood and act like hes friends with everybody, he'll tell you things to insinuate he was some sort of mobster.

You've written literally pages about this guy, waxing poetic about him, his supposed motivations, inner thoughts, what you imagine
his likes and dislikes to be.

You sound like you're mad he didn't want to be your BFF and you didn't get that sweet seaside mansion you were fantasizing about.

Sour grapes.

By the way, in one of your very own posts you claim you were a felon on probation and that you were caught by U.S marshalls because of a snitch.

So now you talk about Panda to try to get him locked up, because he didn't give you what you thought you deserved?

Because he didn't fly you to China and hand you a big stack of cash for having an old account here on Meso?

your posts regarding him are unlike anything I've seen on a public forum, especially in 2024.

You do a lot of talking for someone who has been locked up
That's more like it. At least you took some time to go back and read. Bothers me when guys read 1 post or the posts in 1 thread and then make accusations and presumptions based on those snippets. You've done a bit more than the average hack who tries to cut his teeth and gain some clout in the Community by engaging me.

Thing is, I've been around a long time and know and have known so many who have shaped our Community that your best bet, if you want to gain some perspective on the history of our Community, is to simply follow along.

I believe that the best way to predict the future is to get a handle on the past. With people....the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. Panda has proven these to be true....where he is concerned, anyway.

Dry snitching? Portraying myself to be something I'm not? First. I'm not posting anything that's not in the open already. His finding the Lord where many consider to be one of the most Holy pieces of Real Estate is a good thing. To make life changing decisions it often takes something like a career change and or a change of scenery...or moving more than a couple of hours from the place he had been living.

Panda let people know he's in Tibet. Why would you think I've got secret info? We aren't friends. We've never been friends. He isn't the kind of company I keep. I don't necessarily have problems with drug addicts. Even addicts deep in the throes of their addiction don't bother me. Those folks will usually want to be around others doing the things they are anyway? He isn't a happy dope feign, either. Miserable is a word that comes to mind. He's just a dick when he's on. Fake bravado. Tries to hard to make it seem like he's loving life.

I try to make it seem he and I are bff? Strung out sexual deviant when he's on one. When he's had brief runs of semi sobriety he isn't happy. Couple of years ago when he got out of rehab he had one of his employees who is a friend of mine ask me about availability and pricing of Suboxone or Subutex. Told the go between 8mg Buprenorphine 2mg Naloxone were going for $15 each. I was told he laughed and laughed..he said to keep them. He could get boatloads of methadone for next to nothing? So what? I wasn't trying to sell him anything? He came to me? I just gave him an idea of what he could expect if he was to buy in my neck of the woods. Fucking dumptruck.

Liter O'Test....I've been here since 2006. There are plenty of guys here and other forums who know me online and irl. I would expect a couple of them to call me out for being a phoney. Guys can be whoever they want to be online. However, when a guy has had the same handle for 20 plus years your real life starts to blend with your online life. Many know my real name and address. A lot of guys have my latest cell #. I text will a good # of people. I'm pretty real.

A guy who registered here 2 months ago is exposing me? Maybe I don't get along with Panda because we are so much alike? I'm a rail thin dope feign with tats on my head and face.

I'm like everyone's Italian Uncle wanting to impress everyone. I want too be seen as an insider or "In the know"? I'm Russian(Ukranian region is where my grandparent's came over from) and though I am an Uncle to 1 nephew and do have some stories I try to keep things real.

I wouldn't call myself and insider...though I do know a lot of guys who make things happen I'd say I'm more of a historian when it comes to the Online Steroid and Bodybuilding Community. Or so I've been called by some. Thing is, unfortunately, a lot of my stories can and have been verified because they are a matter of public record. See, you just got here. If you look deep enough into posts you'll find that all my prison paperwork has been checked and confirmed by respected members of the Community. I'm pretty much an open book.

I have to defend myself every couple of years when a new mouthy flash in the pan doubts the claims or stories I've spoken about. I don't mean to bore the average member who doesn't care to hear about this kind of stuff.
That's more like it. At least you took some time to go back and read. Bothers me when guys read 1 post or the posts in 1 thread and then make accusations and presumptions based on those snippets. You've done a bit more than the average hack who tries to cut his teeth and gain some clout in the Community by engaging me.

Thing is, I've been around a long time and know and have known so many who have shaped our Community that your best bet, if you want to gain some perspective on the history of our Community, is to simply follow along.

I believe that the best way to predict the future is to get a handle on the past. With people....the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. Panda has proven these to be true....where he is concerned, anyway.

Dry snitching? Portraying myself to be something I'm not? First. I'm not posting anything that's not in the open already. His finding the Lord where many consider to be one of the most Holy pieces of Real Estate is a good thing. To make life changing decisions it often takes something like a career change and or a change of scenery...or moving more than a couple of hours from the place he had been living.

Panda let people know he's in Tibet. Why would you think I've got secret info? We aren't friends. We've never been friends. He isn't the kind of company I keep. I don't necessarily have problems with drug addicts. Even addicts deep in the throes of their addiction don't bother me. Those folks will usually want to be around others doing the things they are anyway? He isn't a happy dope feign, either. Miserable is a word that comes to mind. He's just a dick when he's on. Fake bravado. Tries to hard to make it seem like he's loving life.

I try to make it seem he and I are bff? Strung out sexual deviant when he's on one. When he's had brief runs of semi sobriety he isn't happy. Couple of years ago when he got out of rehab he had one of his employees who is a friend of mine ask me about availability and pricing of Suboxone or Subutex. Told the go between 8mg Buprenorphine 2mg Naloxone were going for $15 each. I was told he laughed and laughed..he said to keep them. He could get boatloads of methadone for next to nothing? So what? I wasn't trying to sell him anything? He came to me? I just gave him an idea of what he could expect if he was to buy in my neck of the woods. Fucking dumptruck.

Liter O'Test....I've been here since 2006. There are plenty of guys here and other forums who know me online and irl. I would expect a couple of them to call me out for being a phoney. Guys can be whoever they want to be online. However, when a guy has had the same handle for 20 plus years your real life starts to blend with your online life. Many know my real name and address. A lot of guys have my latest cell #. I text will a good # of people. I'm pretty real.

A guy who registered here 2 months ago is exposing me? Maybe I don't get along with Panda because we are so much alike? I'm a rail thin dope feign with tats on my head and face.

I'm like everyone's Italian Uncle wanting to impress everyone. I want too be seen as an insider or "In the know"? I'm Russian(Ukranian region is where my grandparent's came over from) and though I am an Uncle to 1 nephew and do have some stories I try to keep things real.

I wouldn't call myself and insider...though I do know a lot of guys who make things happen I'd say I'm more of a historian when it comes to the Online Steroid and Bodybuilding Community. Or so I've been called by some. Thing is, unfortunately, a lot of my stories can and have been verified because they are a matter of public record. See, you just got here. If you look deep enough into posts you'll find that all my prison paperwork has been checked and confirmed by respected members of the Community. I'm pretty much an open book.

I have to defend myself every couple of years when a new mouthy flash in the pan doubts the claims or stories I've spoken about. I don't mean to bore the average member who doesn't care to hear about this kind of stuff.
You don't even need to explain yourself but I have a feeling @Liter O' Test like myself has been around the block for a while too.

Sure you can't please everyone but that is life. I believe you to be an insider regarding the far past and the present. I know you from other places under a different handle btw.

I have always thought of you as a guy that keeps your ear to the ground and helps out when he can. I have been around as long as you and some of the posts you have made across the forums, especially those that talk about long ago are spot on with my recollection and even shed more light on things I was not aware of.

I always appreciate your contributions across the forums. Hope all is well with you.
You don't even need to explain yourself but I have a feeling @Liter O' Test like myself has been around the block for a while too.

Sure you can't please everyone but that is life. I believe you to be an insider regarding the far past and the present. I know you from other places under a different handle btw.

I have always thought of you as a guy that keeps your ear to the ground and helps out when he can. I have been around as long as you and some of the posts you have made across the forums, especially those that talk about long ago are spot on with my recollection and even shed more light on things I was not aware of.

I always appreciate your contributions across the forums. Hope all is well with you.
In the spirit of transparency, the handles I have used only 3 handles since 1998 when I registered for the very first time on EliteFitness or anabolex. They were very different places back then.

Those are 2 of the top 3 worst boards the Community has every known.* is the 3rd but this short list is in no particular order. EF birthed evo. The scum bags wanted a bigger piece of the scam gravy train. That story is for another thread.

Handles I've used: biggerben69, biggerben692000, and geogroup.
In the spirit of transparency, the handles I have used only 3 handles since 1998 when I registered for the very first time on EliteFitness or anabolex. They were very different places back then.

Those are 2 of the top 3 worst boards the Community has every known.* is the 3rd but this short list is in no particular order. EF birthed evo. The scum bags wanted a bigger piece of the scam gravy train. That story is for another thread.

Handles I've used: biggerben69, biggerben692000, and geogroup.
Sorry bro, meant to say you know me under a different handle or 2 actually (can message you if needed). We have messaged each other a few times here and there on various forums.

I didn't mean to call out any alternate handles, so apologies for that. I took a couple of breaks myself in between being on the forums and when I did, I came back with a different handle mainly because I couldn't remember passwords and I figured better for anonymity.

I do remember EliteFitness and especially Anabolix/Anabolex (was my fav back in the day) as my first two forums and a bit later on the original meso and those classifieds. There were some really solid bros there.

And your stories......always have liked/appreciated your insight.
How can you say you hope Panda stays safe, but anytime raws or china gets brought up, you type on a public forum about how he is a Drug addicted ladyboy lover screw up that can't get his life together, then give everyone a refresher on where he's at and where he's been?

You don't even need to explain yourself but I have a feeling @Liter O' Test like myself has been around the block for a while too.

Sure you can't please everyone but that is life. I believe you to be an insider regarding the far past and the present. I know you from other places under a different handle btw.

I have always thought of you as a guy that keeps your ear to the ground and helps out when he can. I have been around as long as you and some of the posts you have made across the forums, especially those that talk about long ago are spot on with my recollection and even shed more light on things I was not aware of.

I always appreciate your contributions across the forums. Hope all is well with you.

There are times when I go on and don't address issues that are happening in real time. @sbtr12 , you have a feeling @Liter O' Test has been around the block like yourself? Cute.

Meso and its owner @Millard have made clear what the board's stance is on members having alternate accounts. There is a place for alternate handles. This isn't one of them. The green light for you having and using an alternate handle has to do with your dealings with sources. Playing games with members isn't permissible.

You 2 jokers registered on the same day this past May. You've made posts with both handles in the same threads? So, why? What are you up to there little buddy?
Sorry bro, meant to say you know me under a different handle or 2 actually (can message you if needed). We have messaged each other a few times here and there on various forums.

I didn't mean to call out any alternate handles, so apologies for that. I took a couple of breaks myself in between being on the forums and when I did, I came back with a different handle mainly because I couldn't remember passwords and I figured better for anonymity.

I do remember EliteFitness and especially Anabolix/Anabolex (was my fav back in the day) as my first two forums and a bit later on the original meso and those classifieds. There were some really solid bros there.

And your stories......always have liked/appreciated your insight.
I do mean to call your alt handles out. I'm a fairly serious person. I have no patience with your alter ego nonsense.
There are times when I go on and don't address issues that are happening in real time. @sbtr12 , you have a feeling @Liter O' Test has been around the block like yourself? Cute.

Meso and its owner @Millard have made clear what the board's stance is on members having alternate accounts. There is a place for alternate handles. This isn't one of them. The green light for you having and using an alternate handle has to do with your dealings with sources. Playing games with members isn't permissible.

You 2 jokers registered on the same day this past May. You've made posts with both handles in the same threads? So, why? What are you up to there little buddy?
I have nothing to do with @Liter O' Test bro. You can see my post above yours my explanation for my handle.

It just seemed like with what that guy was referencing that this place is not his first rodeo but I have noticed him across several forums now. I am just doubting that he came out of nowhere.
I do mean to call your alt handles out. I'm a fairly serious person. I have no patience with your alter ego nonsense.
I think this is a misunderstanding. No alter ego with me here. I have no issues with you. I am a fan of yours and I am appreciative of your posts. I have never argued with you.

Only thing I can say is look at our posts. I don't know how else to prove it except perhaps messaging you at one of the other forums which I will do.
I think this is a misunderstanding. No alter ego with me here. I have no issues with you. I am a fan of yours and I am appreciative of your posts. I have never argued with you.

Only thing I can say is look at our posts. I don't know how else to prove it except perhaps messaging you at one of the other forums which I will do.
don't grovel, people sense this as weakness and go on and on. He knows we aren't the same person, hes just melodramatic. Tagging the owner and all that lol.
I took a couple of breaks myself in between being on the forums and when I did, I came back with a different handle mainly because I couldn't remember passwords and I figured better for anonymity.

Better for anonymity, but at Meso people brag about who has been a member for longer. For clout or whatever.

Can't really get around that other than positive contributions (advice for new members).

A lot of new guys say smart shit (and vice versa).