Master.on's Q&A Thread


Well-known Member Supporter
@master.on just use this thread for all further questions you might have, no need to continue to make more threads. Please, make yourself welcome and allow this to become your home. I encourage you to refresh as often as you'd wish, and post any questions that pop into your mind, regardless of how meaningless or insignificant they may seem.

Thank you, and enjoy your time here, it's been a pleasure as always.
Oh that's so great to make this thread for Meso's greatest guru ever. So if he missed it here it is!
Wow this is off to a good start! @master.on, do tell us about how aliens may have landed on this planet way back in the age of dinosaurs. Would like your great insight on that.

Would be cool if Millard can sticky it for our resident guru! Thanks to @Wunderpus for creating this thread :)
The colour orange is named after the fruit... Before oranges were widely known the colour was called gellouread (yellow-red)
@master.on just use this thread for all further questions you might have, no need to continue to make more threads. Please, make yourself welcome and allow this to become your home. I encourage you to refresh as often as you'd wish, and post any questions that pop into your mind, regardless of how meaningless or insignificant they may seem.

Thank you, and enjoy your time here, it's been a pleasure as always.
This was a wonderful idea! Hopefully he will take full advantage of having his very own dedicated thread but alas I doubt he will. I'm honestly worried about naive members actually taking his advice and possible fucking themselves up.