Masteron for gyno


New Member
Hi everyone, i'm on 150mg Test E per week split EOD. After 5 weeks i did blood test, test 1239 ng/dl and E2 41 pg/ml, PLR in range

I've a problem of gyno with my right nipple (a small painful lump) also with good E2 levels.

Can masteron help me acting like a serm blinding the nipple receptors? I don't want do lower my E2 with ai because the levels are ok

How much should i use? 100/150mg can be enough?

Thank you
The range is only an indication , have you any baseline bloods before starting the Test E to know where your E2 sits without the exogenous hormones?
Mast wont halt or reverse gyno once it takes hold im sorry to say.
I have read that it has helped shrink it in a few guys on this forum, but I don’t think there is any hard evidence behind that. Try it and see what happens. Best bet is to get it cut out unfortunately.
I have read that it has helped shrink it in a few guys on this forum, but I don’t think there is any hard evidence behind that. Try it and see what happens. Best bet is to get it cut out unfortunately.
I've heard of raloxifene shrinking recent gyno but never masteron.
Masteron was created for breast cancer. It can definitely help shrink gyno if you find the right ratio of test to mast. Start with 1 to 1 and adjust from there. And run it a good amount of time. 4 to 6 months.
Hi everyone, i'm on 150mg Test E per week split EOD. After 5 weeks i did blood test, test 1239 ng/dl and E2 41 pg/ml, PLR in range

I've a problem of gyno with my right nipple (a small painful lump) also with good E2 levels.

Can masteron help me acting like a serm blinding the nipple receptors? I don't want do lower my E2 with ai because the levels are ok

How much should i use? 100/150mg can be enough?

Thank you
You could try using Masteron. By increasing your DHT levels, it should help reduce issues with gynecomastia. If that doesn’t work, I recommend taking Raloxifene at 60mg daily. Avoid Nolvadex, as it also affects estrogen levels, potentially driving them too low.
I HIGHLY doubt this. It was prescribed for inoperable breast cancer, never gyno. And what is the medical prefix for breast? Mast. From the ancient Greek word mastos which means breast
You may be right about that. It's possible I read a 'post' on a forum somewhere suggesting this, but as we know, posts or even articles aren't always true. Attempting to learn about how compounds work takes one all over the place. I think I started at and the forum associated there and eventually here. If you read the profile at that site on Masteron, it mentions it being used on inoperable breast cancer, just as you mention.

I have never had gyno, but I've seen people mentioning how they used this and Raloxifene--as Jaxino mentions, I think the later being the best choice. Perhaps both. It is funny what people think of gyno, I think folks get this mental image of developing huge softball sized titties. I don't think that happens, the only pics I've seen just very pointy nipples on little tiny lumps. If I'm wrong, anyone have links to pics of gyno that is that super pronounced?