
New Member
See below for full cycle plan.

I’m starting my next cycle it’s been about 2 years since my last. If anyone has any input on the following. I’m 170 5’9 about 10-11% body fat. The last cycle I did was tren Deca test e. I currently have winstrol 50mg oral tabs, test cyp 250, masteron enan 200, masteron prop 100, 1/2 vile Deca 300, 1/2 bottle test enan 250 and about 30 50mg dbol tabs. I’m looking to get a nice cut look.

I planned on starting light with test cyp eod and winstrol ed for the first week.

Second week I would introduce masteron at 300mg spaced out every other day paired with test cyp every other day slowly increasing both little by little every week till I peak at 6 weeks then start coming back down slowly.

Any input helps

10 week cycle
Fish oil 5g a day
Liver support

Correct my math if I’m wrong.
Test cyp 250:
1cc=250mg/ .5cc=125mg/ .33cc=82.5mg/ .25cc= 62.5

Masteron 100:
1cc=100mg/ .5cc=50mg/ .25cc=25mg

Masteron Enanthate 200:
1cc=200mg/ .5cc=100mg/ .25cc=50mg

**Winstrol split in half taken twice a day

Week 1 (250mg test cyp X 175mg winstrol)

Day 1: .25cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol
Day 2: 25mg winstrol
Day 3: .25cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol
Day 4: 25mg winstrol
Day 5: .25cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol
Day 6: 25mg winstrol
Day 7: .25cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol

Week 2 (300mg test cyp X 175mg winstrol X 300mg masteron 100)

Day 1: .3cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol X .75cc masteron 100
Day 2: 25mg winstrol
Day 3: .3cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol X .75cc masteron 100
Day 4: 25mg winstrol
Day 5: .3cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol X .75cc masteron 100
Day 6: 25mg winstrol
Day 7: .3cc test cyp 250 X 25mg winstrol X .75cc masteron 100

**Start adex twice a week if needed

Week 3 (350mg test cyp X 350mg winstrol X 400mg masteron 100)

Day 1: .3cc 250 test cyp 250 X 50mg winstrol X 1cc masteron 100
Day 2: 50mg winstrol
Day 3: .3cc test cyp 250 X 50mg winstrol X 1cc masteron 100
Day 4: 50mg winstrol
Day 5: .3cc test cyp 250 X 50mg winstrol X 1cc masteron prop 100
Day 6: 50mg winstrol
Day 7: .3cc test cyp 250 X 50mg winstrol X 1cc masteron prop 100

Week 4 (400mg test cyp X 420mg winstrol X 500mg masteron 100)

Day 1: .4cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X 1.25cc masteron prop 100
Day 2: 60mg winstrol
Day 3: .4cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X 1.25cc masteron prop 100
Day 4: 60mg winstrol
Day 5: .4cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X 1.25cc masteron prop 100
Day 6: 60mg winstrol
Day 7: .4cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X 1.25cc masteron prop 100

Week 5 (450mg test cyp X 420mg winstrol X 550mg masteron 100)

Day 1: .4cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X 1.5cc masteron prop 100
Day 2: 60mg winstrol
Day 3: .4cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X 1.25cc masteron prop 100
Day 4: 60mg winstrol
Day 5: .5cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X .1.5cc masteron prop 100
Day 6: 60mg winstrol
Day 7: .5cc test cyp 250 X 60mg winstrol X .1.25cc masteron prop 100

Week 6 ( 500mg test cyp X 350mg winstrol X 600mg masteron enanthate)

Day 1: .5cc test cyp 250 X .75cc Masteron Enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol
Day 2: 50mg winstrol
Day 3: .5cc test cyp 250 X .75cc Masteron Enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol
Day 4: 50mg winstrol
Day 5: .5cc test cyp 250 X .75cc Masteron Enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol
Day 6: 50mg winstrol
Day 7: .5cc test cyp 250 X .75cc Masteron Enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol

Week 7 (500mg test cyp X 350mg winstrol X 520mg Masteron Enanthate)
Day 1: .5cc test cyp 250 X .65cc Masteron Enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol
Day 2: 50mg winstrol
Day 3: .5cc test cyp 250 X .65cc masteron Enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol
Day 4: 50mg winstrol
Day 5: .5cc test cyp 250 X .65 Masteron Enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol
Day 6: 50mg winstrol
Day 7: .5cc test cyp 250 X .65cc masteron enanthate 200 X 50mg winstrol

Week 8 (400mg test cyp X 175mg winstrol X 400mg masteron enanthate)
Day 1: .4cc test cyp 250 X .5cc Masteron Enan 200 X 25mg winstrol
Day 2: 25mg winstrol
Day 3: .4cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enan 200 X 25mg winstrol
Day 4: 25mg winstrol
Day 5: .4cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enan 200 X 25mg winstrol
Day 6: 25mg winstrol
Day 7: .4cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enan 200X 25mg winstrol

Week 9 (300mg test cyp 250 X 400mg masteron enanthate)
Day 1: .3cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enanthate 200
Day 2: off
Day 3: .3cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enanthate 200
Day 4: off
Day 5: .3cc test cyp 250 X .5cc Masteron Enanthate 200
Day 6: off
Day 7: .3cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enanthate 200

Week 10 (250mg test cyp X 400mg masteron enanthate)
Day 1: .25cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enanthate 200
Day 2: off
Day 3: .25cc test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enanthate 200
Day 4: off
Day 5: .25 test cyp 250 X .5cc masteron enanthate 200
Day 6: off
Day 7: .25cc test cyp X .5cc masteron enanthate 200

3 weeks after last pin Start Nolvadex 20mg every day for 6 weeks.
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I'd put on some more mass thru the Winter, then cut mid-late spring, early-mid Summer. Maybe just Test E, Mast E, and maybe kick it off with some Adrol or Dbol...I dunno, just like bulking big when it's cold, cut hard when it's starting to warm up. Just my opinion/ thoughts.
I'd put on some more mass thru the Winter, then cut mid-late spring, early-mid Summer. Maybe just Test E, Mast E, and maybe kick it off with some Adrol or Dbol...I dunno, just like bulking big when it's cold, cut hard when it's starting to warm up. Just my opinion/ thoughts.
I’m already pretty bulky that’s why I’m trying to cut but not trying to blast super heavy until about mid/late summer planned on doing a dbol, test p and deca mid summer I’ve already switched my diet to my cut diet I used to do pre season wrestling today was my third day in the cycle feel pretty good but might run some deca through 12 weeks and drop the mast after 10. Thought? I plan on getting another vile of deca 300 here in the next couple weeks
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I’m already pretty bulky that’s why I’m trying to cut but not trying to blast super heavy until about mid/late summer planned on doing a dbol, test p and deca mid summer I’ve already switched my diet to my cut diet I used to do pre season wrestling today was my third day in the cycle feel pretty good but might run some deca through 12 weeks and drop the mast after 10. Thought? I plan on getting another vile of deca 300 here in the next couple weeks
You using anything like Cytomel and Clen or Cytomel and Albuterol?
I hate Clen but Albuterol doesn't get to me much. He'll, T3 alone does wonders
You using anything like Cytomel and Clen or Cytomel and Albuterol?
I hate Clen but Albuterol doesn't get to me much. He'll, T3 alone does wonders

No I’ve used clen and t3 back when I was in season to cut before hydration but mostly stuck to Tren deca equipoise test e and p obviously not all of those at once but for the most part ran tren and deca and test e with t3 or clen or winstrol I’ve always had someone to regulate it for me but after our falling out after hs I stopped for awhile so this is the first time I’ve put a cycle together by myself so just looking for some pointers tips or if anything I could do different I’ve never used masteron it’s new to me. I went crazy last time on the tren because he had me doing far too much for my age and it cost me quite a bit I’m doing things way different trying to keep things the right way instead of blasting every three days for like 10 months like he had me doing