Maybe Not a Steroid Homebrew specifically but just a question


two-part question,

1.) Can you brew a Sarm powder/"raw" into an injectable if so how?

2.) If its possible would there be any legit upsides like lowered liver tox or something along those lines?
Forgive me for being an old guy and not up to date on SARMs. Why would you take SARMs if you have access to AAS/PEDs?
Really im not a big sarms guy but one specifically caught my attention, specifically YK-11 it reduces myostatin from my understanding. My logic behind taking/planning on taking it is it would benefit by increasing the gains made in a certain time frame as it reduces the “natural speed limit” on growing muscle. Aside from YK-11 and a hand full of sarms that work well with gear i find them incredibly stupid compared to gear given the risk reward and even cost benefit ratio.
Thanks I figured there was a catch 22 to sarms as an injectable which keeps people from doing it.
I’m talking about 17 alkylated steroids, oral steroids that are liver toxic, brewed into solution.

From what I remember, sarms are not liver toxic. Most have good oral bioavailability. There’s pretty much no reason to inject them.

The one(s) I can think of isn’t even a sarm but SR9XXX would be a good choice for injectable. I’ve considered making my own.
I’m talking about 17 alkylated steroids, oral steroids that are liver toxic, brewed into solution.

From what I remember, sarms are not liver toxic. Most have good oral bioavailability. There’s pretty much no reason to inject them.

The one(s) I can think of isn’t even a sarm but SR9XXX would be a good choice for injectable. I’ve considered making my own.
Good to know thanks