Member introduction


New Member

I've been reading and following threads here for several months, figured it was time to post a proper intro.

I'm 38 years old. 5'9" currently at 200lbs. I've been lifting on an off since my mid 20s, never made much in the way of progress. I discovered a few years ago that I had low testosterone (low 200s), and have been on TRT since. Given the progress I've made in the last year (once I got better at dialing in my diet and training) I'm thinking I've had low-T since my 20s and that might have explained some (but not all) of my non-progress.

I'm currently on week 8 of my first cycle, 500mg of Test C /week for 14 weeks.

Prior to starting the cycle, over the last year I worked my way up from 184 to 195lbs (Nov 21 to April 22) then dieted down to 178, (April to August.) There was a fair bit of recomp that happened in there as well, as the scale moved less than I expected but I saw a lot of visual changes. From August until December I reverse dieted up to maintenance.

I'm now (on week 8) up to 200lbs (+14lbs since starting).

I currently eat
3500 cals on low (non training days) (290p, 350c, 100f)
4000 cals on medium days (290p, 500c, 80f)
4500 cals in high (leg) days (270p, 650c, 80f

My current training style is an Upper/Legs/rest/Push/Pull/Legs/rest split.

I would prefer to be on a straight PPL split with rolling days off. But current schedule constraints make that impractical. So I stick with this U/L-P/P/L split.

Most movements are 2 working sets only, with both taken to failure, sometimes with intensity techniques thrown in (forced reps, cluster sets, tempo work, iso holds, etc.) I'm doing progressive overload, looking to improve in weight, reps, or quality of the reps each week.

I've been using this higher intensity /lower volume, 2 working sets program since I started reverse dieting, and have been seeing consistent strength and size gains.

I have no idea what my 1-rep maxes are. But here are some numbers from the last 2 weeks (working sets):

Squat 335x5
BB bench press 225 x 7
DB bench press 100 x 7
DB rows: 105 x 13
RDLs - 275 x 12
Leg Press - 6 plates per side x 20

I appreciate the huge source of information this board provides, thanks.


I've been reading and following threads here for several months, figured it was time to post a proper intro.

I'm 38 years old. 5'9" currently at 200lbs. I've been lifting on an off since my mid 20s, never made much in the way of progress. I discovered a few years ago that I had low testosterone (low 200s), and have been on TRT since. Given the progress I've made in the last year (once I got better at dialing in my diet and training) I'm thinking I've had low-T since my 20s and that might have explained some (but not all) of my non-progress.

I'm currently on week 8 of my first cycle, 500mg of Test C /week for 14 weeks.

Prior to starting the cycle, over the last year I worked my way up from 184 to 195lbs (Nov 21 to April 22) then dieted down to 178, (April to August.) There was a fair bit of recomp that happened in there as well, as the scale moved less than I expected but I saw a lot of visual changes. From August until December I reverse dieted up to maintenance.

I'm now (on week 8) up to 200lbs (+14lbs since starting).

I currently eat
3500 cals on low (non training days) (290p, 350c, 100f)
4000 cals on medium days (290p, 500c, 80f)
4500 cals in high (leg) days (270p, 650c, 80f

My current training style is an Upper/Legs/rest/Push/Pull/Legs/rest split.

I would prefer to be on a straight PPL split with rolling days off. But current schedule constraints make that impractical. So I stick with this U/L-P/P/L split.

Most movements are 2 working sets only, with both taken to failure, sometimes with intensity techniques thrown in (forced reps, cluster sets, tempo work, iso holds, etc.) I'm doing progressive overload, looking to improve in weight, reps, or quality of the reps each week.

I've been using this higher intensity /lower volume, 2 working sets program since I started reverse dieting, and have been seeing consistent strength and size gains.

I have no idea what my 1-rep maxes are. But here are some numbers from the last 2 weeks (working sets):

Squat 335x5
BB bench press 225 x 7
DB bench press 100 x 7
DB rows: 105 x 13
RDLs - 275 x 12
Leg Press - 6 plates per side x 20

I appreciate the huge source of information this board provides, thanks.

Welcome, your name looks familiar. You're on ugbb right?
That's where my log is at. I'm not familiar with the politics between the two boards so I didn't mention it by name.
Nothing wrong between either. But I'm done with ugbb as mugzy refuses to ban members who sole intent is to attack mods and cause drama. I refuse to be apart of that type of leadership of a forum.

You chose a good place here, number of great domestics sources.