Ment only cycle vs ment with trt

Trestolone is bad for solo TRT, the reason being is it does not stimulate red blood cell creation. When I tried Trest only, my hematocrit fell to 40. Cardio was impossible and I feel tired overall. Adding in some test is mandatory for most imo.

This makes it a great drug to cruise on though, to reduce hematocrit without donating blood.
Trestolone is bad for solo TRT, the reason being is it does not stimulate red blood cell creation. When I tried Trest only, my hematocrit fell to 40. Cardio was impossible and I feel tired overall. Adding in some test is mandatory for most imo.

This makes it a great drug to cruise on though, to reduce hematocrit without donating blood.
You are describing the exact reason I used it solo as trt for seven months. I don’t foresee a lifetime of using it solo, but imagine I’ll spend my years alternating every six months with/without testosterone to keep my HCT from running too high.
I've never played around with trestolone, but it sounds like a potential hairloss treatment.

So you could potentially run trestolone, and throw a tiny amount of primo on top in order to keep the estrogen down (and consequently run higher amounts of trestolone), and allow your body to use that small amount of primo as DHT. Throw some RU on your scalp and you're in amazing shape for growing a full head of hair. No finasteride needed.

Can anyone with ment and primo experience attest to how much ment you'd generally run with 50mg of primo per week? I know I can run up to 300-350 test per week with only 50-75 of primo and my estrogen will stay in the reference range, so I'm curious how that would translate to ment dosages.

Man, I'm super interested in this potential stack. If anyone can comment on ment+primo I'd really appreciate it!
You are describing the exact reason I used it solo as trt for seven months. I don’t foresee a lifetime of using it solo, but imagine I’ll spend my years alternating every six months with/without testosterone to keep my HCT from running too high.
I might have missed it. What dosage are you running for solo? 5mg ED?

I didn’t know about the HCT effect and DHT. That is very intriguing.
I might have missed it. What dosage are you running for solo? 5mg ED?

I didn’t know about the HCT effect and DHT. That is very intriguing.
I was on 2mg/d for seven months. Recently added testosterone back just to see how it all works together. I’m not like most of the guys here. I’m 100% experimenting for fun and to learn how to feel the best I can with minimal consequences.
I was on 2mg/d for seven months. Recently added testosterone back just to see how it all works together. I’m not like most of the guys here. I’m 100% experimenting for fun and to learn how to feel the best I can with minimal consequences.
Nice. I’ve been on TRT for six years and always looking for ways to improve/enhance. MENT is at the top of my list right now. Thanks for sharing.
I've never played around with trestolone, but it sounds like a potential hairloss treatment.

So you could potentially run trestolone, and throw a tiny amount of primo on top in order to keep the estrogen down (and consequently run higher amounts of trestolone), and allow your body to use that small amount of primo as DHT. Throw some RU on your scalp and you're in amazing shape for growing a full head of hair. No finasteride needed.

Can anyone with ment and primo experience attest to how much ment you'd generally run with 50mg of primo per week? I know I can run up to 300-350 test per week with only 50-75 of primo and my estrogen will stay in the reference range, so I'm curious how that would translate to ment dosages.

Man, I'm super interested in this potential stack. If anyone can comment on ment+primo I'd really appreciate it!
The first time I tried MENT (started low at 5 mg/day), I noticed hair thinning within a week, and I have never had an issue with that before. Even primo doesn't cause shedding for me. It grew back after I ceased MENT usage. The next time I tried it, I started at a higher dose but observed no shedding, and I have experienced no thinning since the first cycle.

As for the estrogen issues, I also use primo and I typically use a 1 : 2.5 ratio of MENT : primo. This keeps libido healthy and fatigue to a minimum (high E makes me really tired).
There are some people doing this already. The problem that many have found is that your body ends up being low on DHT because MENT does not seem to metabolize to any substance with meaningful levels of DHT activity. You would want some testosterone as a "base" to ensure you can get some conversion of T to DHT. Or you could take some proviron or masteron to keep the DHT activity at a good level. You might be able to find some more info of people's experiences on reddit. I added some MENT to my last cycle of Test+NPP+Anavar and loved it. I have considered just adding some MENT long term to my TRT even, as it doesn't have any negative impact on lipids at doses of 10mg or less so far as I can tell and from anecdotes I have read.
10 mg a week?
10 mg a week?
Good question. The ones I had read were 10 mg per day. I haven't run only MENT to be able to say whether it had any detrimental effects on lipids or not. 10 mg per day is NOT a replacement dose though, regardless.
Good question. The ones I had read were 10 mg per day. I haven't run only MENT to be able to say whether it had any detrimental effects on lipids or not. 10 mg per day is NOT a replacement dose though, regardless.
My lipids were always slightly out of range on trt. When I switched to MENT they came back into normal range. N of 1, obviously, but it’s noteworthy.
My lipids were always slightly out of range on trt. When I switched to MENT they came back into normal range. N of 1, obviously, but it’s noteworthy.
What else were you taking with the MENT? Any proviron or anything like that for DHT?? Or some people do a very small amount of test more infrequently. I have see some do their MENT and then maybe every 5 days do like 30 mg of Test just to get some DHT in their body.
What else were you taking with the MENT? Any proviron or anything like that for DHT?? Or some people do a very small amount of test more infrequently. I have see some do their MENT and then maybe every 5 days do like 30 mg of Test just to get some DHT in their body.
It was solo. DHT is unnecessary for a large portion of the users. Some people need it, I did not. You don’t know which camp you’re in until you start using it, unfortunately.
I just started on 3-5mg/d ment with 45mg test c every 3.5 days. Basically halved my trt test and added in ment. Let's see how it goes looking for the lower DHT and rbc count. I will keep an eye on my estrogen didn't need an aromatase inhibitor with test only trt of 180mg/w though.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m under the impression that ment will not show up on labs as e2? If this is correct, this is all a guessing game.