Ment vs Nand?


New Member
just wondering how ment compares to nand in terms of bulking. which is easier on bloods? which puts on more muscle with the least sides? i havent used either but it seems like nand is better because how llong its been around and used. what do you guys think, also what about other compounds like test
Trest is quite similar to nandrolone in terms of the level of strain it puts on you. It also has a lot of water weight, which is different from Deca.
Trest is more like Dianabol in that it doesn't provide as many strength benefits. If you don't want to inject a large amount of Deca, you can use Trestolone with a smaller oil volume.
However, it doesn't seem to provide the same joint relief as nandrolone, and it can give mental side effects if your estrogen levels become high.
It can also raise your blood pressure.
Have you ever been on cycle if you are asking about test? If not, then you need to read more and forget about other compounds yet.
Trest is quite similar to nandrolone in terms of the level of strain it puts on you. It also has a lot of water weight, which is different from Deca.
Trest is more like Dianabol in that it doesn't provide as many strength benefits. If you don't want to inject a large amount of Deca, you can use Trestolone with a smaller oil volume.
However, it doesn't seem to provide the same joint relief as nandrolone, and it can give mental side effects if your estrogen levels become high.
It can also raise your blood pressure.
Have you ever been on cycle if you are asking about test? If not, then you need to read more and forget about other compounds yet.
yer im on test rn just wondering. nand does seem better, trest sounds hit or miss
Nandrolone has been integral in building the body of every Mr Olympia since its release on the market. Meanwhile most Mr Olympias probably don’t even know what the fuck ment even is.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, but it means one absolutely and consistently works. If you’re not careful though ment will absolutely grow you a sweet pair of tits.
For some people, myself included, Ment is the perfect bulking with little to no sides. For others, it's a gyno and or BP disaster. Also, Deca gives me depression, ment makes me feel great. I advocate low dose Ralox when taking ment to prevent gyno, and telmisartan for BP control. Everyone is different
For some people, myself included, Ment is the perfect bulking with little to no sides. For others, it's a gyno and or BP disaster. Also, Deca gives me depression, ment makes me feel great. I advocate low dose Ralox when taking ment to prevent gyno, and telmisartan for BP control. Everyone is different

hmm, for Ment you recommend ralox and telmisartan , so Two additional drugs and deca makes you sad but isn't bassically trying to kill or grow tits on you...
I know which one I would choose... :))

Deca mental sides can usually be controlled by adding a Dht derivative which will add to the anabolism unlike ralox...

Also it seems anecdotally that runnning deca very high removes the mental sides for some people, as weird as it seems... will have to give this a shot next time..