Meso hungry. Hello everyone!


New Member
Hello everyone! Partially doing this to gain access to more privileges lol... but also, I might as well provide a little background about myself for anyone that reads this.

I've been into health/fitness since probably age 19. Natty for most of my lifting career. Mostly obsessively optimizing nutrition, supplementation, and sleep hygiene to get the most out of my exercises. Started getting into PED's with basic cognitive performance compounds and a eventually got into steroids. Only a couple cycles under my bet so far. Test, clomid, HCG.

I am here to continue learning and interacting with like minded people in the space. Interested in risk mitigation, compound testing, and optimization in all areas.

Do you know how getting privileges to interact with the other threads works on here? After making my introduction post, I still don't seem to be able to reply to any other thread outside of the new user ones? Is there an account age period or something?
I’m not allowed to do certain things either but I am able to interact in all forum threads (as far as I’m aware). You can’t post on other threads? I don’t think Inhad that issue. Then again I didn’t try posting until recently. There could possibly be a timer? Maybe a mod has to verify/adjust your account? Not sure bro. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.