Methylene Blue


New Member
Do anybody know how to admin Methylene Blue?
is it 5mg orally or do you mix it in some solution and inject, or mix 5mg in water and drink it? please i need some help
thanks i drink 5mg and my whole mouth was blue so i was scared if i did it wrong
Normal , Just a tip that might help - Put the dropper since its liquid in the back of your throat , Drop on the back of your tongue as far back as possible , swallow , and chug down a glass of water exactly after. Should reduce the staining
I wouldn't run out and just buy everything mentioned on YouTube from vigorous Steve and Dean St. Mart. Half that shit or greater is snake oil at best
Wow, is this where people are getting these whacky ideas about doses?

in his latest video he says he is taking 150 test 125 primo 10mg anavar
and then increasing primo by 25mg and adding 150mg masteron and obviously implying this is a significant change, especially when he adds up all the milligrams

have i just been arguing with vigorous steve viewers for months?

(which is ironic because Steve built his physique with a vial of test per week)
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Wow, is this where people are getting these whacky ideas about doses?

in his latest video he says he is taking 150 test 125 primo 10mg anavar
and then increasing primo by 25mg and adding 150mg masteron and obviously implying this is a significant change, especially when he adds up all the milligrams

have i just been arguing with vigorous steve viewers for months?

(which is ironic because Steve built his physique with a vial of test per week)

He's dwarfed by a 5'9 jay cutler in a picture and his old videos, talks about running 2g+ of gear a week.

So we got a dude who is maybe 5'8 max, midget level taking 2 grams of gear for like a what... a fucking decade?

Then produces these endlessly long numerous biohacking videos were the microdoses the dumb fucking bullshit.


Then we got probably normal height dudes over 6'+ taking these microdoses, making fuck all progress, which they should be taking EVEN MORE than steve (because midget) did originally to make progress.
Then we got probably normal height dudes over 6'+ taking these microdoses, making fuck all progress, which they should be taking EVEN MORE than steve (because midget) did originally to make progress.
yeah i definitely see a trend of like taller lanky guys making no progress on these doses.
I find it hard to believe someone would go from taking grams, come off for a long time while being very eager to go back on, then merely dip their toe back in the pool at less than 10% of their regular doses, especially when a career and ego rely on it, 1,000 ng/dl which is basically natty, so he basically made these gains with just 150mg primo and 10mg anavar? Thats female dosing
in his latest video he says he is taking 150 test 125 primo 10mg anavar
and then increasing primo by 25mg and adding 150mg masteron and obviously implying this is a significant change, especially when he adds up all the milligrams
Do you honestly believe those are his dosages? You believe that Dorian took a mlmof this and some dbol for Mr Olympia too...
I suggest you do some actual research , get educated - then come back mate. You are misinformed

Ive used 50-100mg a day for the past year or two, mixed in water. Tastes really weird and you pee like a smurf, but it helps with energy, mood and wellbeing. It can have some potentiating effects of other drugs like stimulants so watch out for that, and SSRI syndrome.

As said, do your research, 0.05-1mg/kg doses are usually around where most people dose it from what ive seen.