16 weeks of Test C half a gram a week

If you took 3 seconds to read the first line of text in my reply, I explained that bloodwork does not begin to paint a comprehensive picture of health. It should be used to track trends over time. If you are unable to have a conversation and want to push him to continue blasting indefinitely, do your thing. I’ve said my piece and it’s clear you’re unable to have a civil conversation
How can you accuse me of not reading your comment, yet you ignore atleast a dozen points I have made.

Bloodwork is a great indicator of health, that is why we use it, that is why regular people get bloodwork annually and bodybuilders frequently.
There are hundreds, if not, thousands of things you can have tested!
This is why any problem we have, the doctor will send us for labs!

What are you even talking about?!


are you implying he's at risk for a low ejection fraction after his 16 week high cruise dose?

(of course you weren't because that term is way above your head)
How can you accuse me of not reading your comment, yet you ignore atleast a dozen points I have made.

Bloodwork is a great indicator of health, that is why we use it, that is why regular people get bloodwork annually and bodybuilders frequently.
There are hundreds, if not, thousands of things you can have tested!
This is why any problem we have, the doctor will send us for labs!

What are you even talking about?!


are you implying he's at risk for a low ejection fraction after his 16 week high cruise dose?

(of course you weren't because that term is way above your head)
You are relying on insults and forcing your opinion on to others. You have to understand this is not how it works.

No matter who's right or wrong or somewhere in between, everyone can have their opinion and are free to express it. All you can do is share your advice.
You are relying on insults and forcing your opinion on to others. You have to understand this is not how it works.

No matter who's right or wrong or somewhere in between, everyone can have their opinion and are free to express it. All you can do is share your advice.
yeah lets keep this guy on TRT for "harm reduction"
Then make fun of him for being sub 200lbs on "steroids"

"add 200mg primo then come off for months"
When he comes back and posts again, Will you all make fun of him for not looking jacked despite "using steroids" for 18 months?

This is a bodybuilding forum, we are supposed to help this guy,
Do you think that by keeping newer guys small, you will be bigger?

I'm not "forcing my opinion on others" Is it good to just stay silent and let people say whatever they like without pushback? Like you say, I am free to express my opinion. I am welcoming debate. None is discussing the actual details of this guys post. the nuance. the context. the science, the bloodwork.

Just cookie cutter generic responses about "500mg test" and "blasting"

By the way, is everyones ego too big to admit they didn't see that he was at 1600ng/dl on 500mg test? We are just going to pretend thats normal?

This guy doesn't need harm reduction, he literally has too much harm reduction, so much harm reduction he titrated up slowly to just 1600ng/dl!

and now you make fun of him for it.
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Most of people start a lot less ready these days. Besides sub 200lbs at 15% is definitely good (if legit 15% body fat), sadly some steroid users can't even achieve that.
Don't care what most people do, I care about doing things right and the masses or the 95% are sheep. I tell the truth, I don't coddle lazy children.