Michael 2

OP - your gonna have to have a Meso sign/date hanging from your neck before your believed here in pics. Another Spring Troll....:confused::confused:
No you don't you fucking lair. Your about 14 years old. And weight 90lb at best. Jog on pal. You blew it here. Make a new account if you have too. No body will ever take you seriously now.
Only bodypart you have ever trained was triceps, middleaged man insecure about hes baldness covering hes head(with the hat) in the building = pathetic
Guarantee you that if I looked like him, I wouldn't give a fuck if I was bald or not, and neither would anyone else.
Only bodypart you have ever trained was triceps, middleaged man insecure about hes baldness covering hes head(with the hat) in the building = pathetic

Actually Im not that bald for my age Troll , shed a little with my battle with cattle tren last year but lot has grew back in 9 months since.

My triceps ? What can I say :rolleyes:....move along Troll ;)
Actually Im not that bald for my age Troll , shed a little with my battle with cattle tren last year but lot has grew back in 9 months since.

My triceps ? What can I say :rolleyes:....move along Troll ;)
I am not making fun of you, i just hate that some people are shy about baldness, you are a man, who are you afraid of ?
So wait...OP is from somewhere overseas (broken English, talking about America) but his "friend" has a confederate flag in the background... o_O
Many hate groups have adopted the stars and bars. :) You have to admit we have a live one.
Also is someone able to link me down females after steroid cycle and how much butt can grow, i am interested for my girlfriend, also i would consider synthol injections for her, how long does synthol last