Mid-length Nandrolone Ester


New Member
Is there a technical reason you don't see a mid length Nandrolone ester like Cyp or Enanthate? It seems like it would be a good balance between the daily pins of NPP and the 50-60 day washout that Deca requires. I want to add it to a E3D TRT+ program but neither ester seems like a great choice.
npp seems to be just a little bit shorter half life than enanthate for me. You can get by with e3d injections of NPP just fine in my experience with it.
In case I run into problems with it, I don't want to be on that ride for 2 months waiting for it to clear.
Have you never used nandrolone before?

If so, then go with npp, you can get away with MWF or EOD dosing and you can bail quickly.

However, as long as you keep dosing reasonable (I use around 350-450 npp on my blasts, so 150-200 should be no problem) you shouldn't run into catastrophic issues
Have you never used nandrolone before?

If so, then go with npp, you can get away with MWF or EOD dosing and you can bail quickly.

However, as long as you keep dosing reasonable (I use around 350-450 npp on my blasts, so 150-200 should be no problem) you shouldn't run into catastrophic issues


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Have you never used nandrolone before?

If so, then go with npp, you can get away with MWF or EOD dosing and you can bail quickly.

However, as long as you keep dosing reasonable (I use around 350-450 npp on my blasts, so 150-200 should be no problem) you shouldn't run into catastrophic issues
First run with it. I'm planning on keeping it 150mg a week or less. Short term plan is NPP. If that goes well, the longer term plan is to try Deca 1x weekly to pair with my TestD. My OCD likes the idea of NandE to go with MastE or Primo. I thought that might be common feeling but I guess the cheese stands alone lol.
I would just run npp. easy to source and if you're worried about pinning often, switch to slin pins and do daily. it's a game changer
First run with it. I'm planning on keeping it 150mg a week or less. Short term plan is NPP. If that goes well, the longer term plan is to try Deca 1x weekly to pair with my TestD. My OCD likes the idea of NandE to go with MastE or Primo. I thought that might be common feeling but I guess the cheese stands alone lol.
I mean in a perfect world sure. But we are limited by what’s actually produced by the manufacturers of the raw powder. Nobody makes nandEnth or NandCyp. So if I ever saw it available I would assume it was either fake or mislabeled. Either way would have to test it to make sure.
To answer your question directly (with only a guess)

It’s that nandrolone was invented long ago with money from big pharma. There was probably no money in trying to find different ester formulas. Deca and NPP have a tried and true recipe.

Same goes with primo undecoanate, bold propionate, etc…

If there was a return on investment to be made, someone would have done it by now.
I'd classify phenylprop a medium ester.

Short esters would be base/suspension, acetate, and propionate.

My question is why isn't short ester Nandrolone really a thing? For some reason we really only see it in phenylpropionate or decaonate. They should be able to attach it to any ester, no?
I'd classify phenylprop a medium ester.

Short esters would be base/suspension, acetate, and propionate.

My question is why isn't short ester Nandrolone really a thing? For some reason we really only see it in phenylpropionate or decaonate. They should be able to attach it to any ester, no?
Because it has ZERO use cases in the medical field
I'd classify phenylprop a medium ester.

Short esters would be base/suspension, acetate, and propionate.

My question is why isn't short ester Nandrolone really a thing? For some reason we really only see it in phenylpropionate or decaonate. They should be able to attach it to any ester, no?
Prop might be a thing. Pharmacom has pharmanolt 300 and it lists Nandrolone Propionate as an ingredient. Assuming they aren't completely bullshitting, someone is making the raws of it.