migylol 840


New Member
I hear such conflicting things about migylol 840, that it causes PIP or is the smoothest oil out there. Once and for all I wanna settle this. My "semi finished" supplier uses it as there recommended oil and says its because it's the highest quality and blah blah blah. I can request grape seed or MCT tho.

What carrier oil do I choose and why?

maybe this is the wrong section but I've only encountered info of this oil in the homebrew section and if I don't get it in migylol 840 I'm just getting the raws and brewing likely
I enjoy using mig840. I use it alone and also will do 50/50 with other carrier oils such as GSO, castor, cottonseed, mct and sesame. I like the fact that when combined with higher viscosity carrier oils it becomes easier to pin. When only using mig840, I am able to use a 30g 1” needle and it flows like water.

Apparently, like everything else, some people do not react well to it.
Mig840 I stay away from as allergic to it as found out the hard way.
Get the raws and make some test runs to see what agrees with your body
I was just trying to avoid that, if I was going to bake my own I'd stick to the well known with lots of recipes like grapeseed or mct but the migylol sounds pretty nice. I've never even researched if I can buy it myself. it just recently came onto my radar I read everything else I could on it.
I enjoy using mig840. I use it alone and also will do 50/50 with other carrier oils such as GSO, castor, cottonseed, mct and sesame. I like the fact that when combined with higher viscosity carrier oils it becomes easier to pin. When only using mig840, I am able to use a 30g 1” needle and it flows like water.

Apparently, like everything else, some people do not react well to it.
How well do the oils mix or stay mixed when you run it like that? I'm tempted to stick to a thicker oil for my trt days and thinner for my blasting phases
they recommended just getting a bag of needle filters and filtering as I go but I'd prolly just invest in the beakers and hand pump to do it.But then at that point I might aswell cook my own batch not clean there's and save the $
don’t do all that. You only need that if you’re manufacturing for selling.

Get 50ml syringes, a calk gun from Home Depot, it’ll fit perfectly in there. Use the calk gun to apply the pressure & filter easily.

To answer your initial question- if it were me, I’d probably try the migylol to see if it agreed with my body. I like thin oils, it’ll save you time through out the whole process, filtering, drawing into your syringe and depressing the plunger during injection.

You could even order a batch of two or all three oils on your first run. Sounds like a cheap source.
don’t do all that. You only need that if you’re manufacturing for selling.

Get 50ml syringes, a calk gun from Home Depot, it’ll fit perfectly in there. Use the calk gun to apply the pressure & filter easily.

To answer your initial question- if it were me, I’d probably try the migylol to see if it agreed with my body. I like thin oils, it’ll save you time through out the whole process, filtering, drawing into your syringe and depressing the plunger during injection.

You could even order a batch of two or all three oils on your first run. Sounds like a cheap source.
That's the issue is my minimum is 10grams of test. Fuck atm that will last me a long fucking time. I might aswell save the extra$ and spend it on equipment to cook my own. And just find a source for migylol 840 itself. The raws are cheap enough I could throw some away and never care.
Are you allergic to MCT too?
No, tried MCT and had no issue with it at all surprisingly.

Miglyol 840 has propylene glycol. Might be the culprit in your case.


@MindlessWork had problems with Mig40. No problems with MCT.

One obvious difference is propylene glycol in Mig40. Probably other differences, too.
