migylol 840

@MindlessWork had problems with Mig40. No problems with MCT.

One obvious difference is propylene glycol in Mig40. Probably other differences, too.

I take PG oral everyday. The viscosity looks appealing
@MindlessWork had problems with Mig40. No problems with MCT.

One obvious difference is propylene glycol in Mig40. Probably other differences, too.

I basically get a reaction that mimics an infection with Mig840....red hot and swollen at the injection site. No actual infection found when I went to urgent care.
Bro where did you find mig 840, I could only find large amounts far beyond my needs or scale?
I can only find 1lt as smallest quantity with is a bit much to find out if im going to get pip or react 2 it
Mig840 is amazing as long as you dont have an allergic reaction to it. Very thin so you can use a higher gauge needle to inject and it acts as a solvent so you can use less BB.
I myself cannot use mig, really bad pip.
lmk how it gos bro, I am tempted to order some I just don't wanna throw 70$ away if it makes me react. I wish there was an avenue to buy smaller amounts
lmk how it gos bro, I am tempted to order some I just don't wanna throw 70$ away if it makes me react. I wish there was an avenue to buy smaller amounts
Will do, I’ll know tomorrow.

How much do you need? I feel like a L would go fairly quickly. Maybe a year give or take