Mint Anabolics - US Domestic Source

Are you associated with this source? Do you get discounts or kickbacks for posting? If you do you are required to disclose any connection or gifts, discounts, etc for promoting.

Not even close. Anything I’ve bought from him came out of my pocket sort of the bloodwork/testing credit he offers everyone. I shop a ton of different domestic and international sources. He just happens to test more than most and put out good gear. To my knowledge he doesn’t have any board reps here or SST unless he runs on another board I’m not on.
Nah. I got no reason to shill. Product speaks for itself. Freedom is just a dude that has placed a number of orders with me, enjoys the service, and is trying to gas me up. I appreciate the effort @freedom69
I wasn’t talking to you lol

Why are you answering as if you are freedom69 saying I got no reason to shill

I’ve used his stuff 3-4 orders now. No complaints. One time he missed some items in an order, sent him one message w a pic & next day it was on its way. I’m mostly only a GSO carrier guy so I stick w Stan for most things, but his stuff gives me no issues.
I wasn’t talking to you lol

Why are you answering as if you are freedom69 saying I got no reason to shill


Are you truly that fucking stupid? Matter of fact you’re the same one who PMed me multiple times about different international sources with questions. I even sent you a picture of ones stoppers and recommended them…why in the fuck would I recommend an international source if I was sourcing domestic? I use multiple different domestic sources personally and can recommend a handful only ones from this board would be Mint and Stan.
Are you truly that fucking stupid? Matter of fact you’re the same one who PMed me multiple times about different international sources with questions. I even sent you a picture of ones stoppers and recommended them…why in the fuck would I recommend an international source if I was sourcing domestic? I use multiple different domestic sources personally and can recommend a handful only ones from this board would be Mint and Stan.
Oh yeah I think I did pm you about like 7 months ago

But what does that have to do with anything I just said ?

Why so defensive mate ?

But I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Minty so why you responding for minty now
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You Wana call me retarded and bring up DMs?

That reminds me about 6-7 months ago you told me to stick with domestic instead of international and how I should go to SST and look for a certain vendor.

I’m a nice guy so I won’t tell everyone what vendor you told me to go look for on a whole different platform than meso.

Have yourself a great weekend, and ease up on the minty “bumping” and the shilly Willy reviews
You Wana call me retarded and bring up DMs?

That reminds me about 6-7 months ago you told me to stick with domestic instead of international and how I should go to SST and look for a certain vendor.

I’m a nice guy so I won’t tell everyone what vendor you told me to go look for on a whole different platform than meso.

Have yourself a great weekend, and ease up on the minty “bumping” and the shilly Willy reviews

I don’t give a shit what you tell people. I recommended Mint from SST (because you asked about SST) and Axle from here as you seemed to be struggling to find a source (both test consistent, I’ve personally third party tested gear from both, and have personal bloodwork from both.) I also told you every board has shitty and good sources to find some that test consistently and put out good products (like Mint). Feel free to ask about ASF or ProMuscle and I’ll recommend different sources from those also It’s not fucking rocket science…feel free to PM me and I’ll list you a few different domestic sources from various boards I buy from. I also specifically told you for my personal use gear I use domestic sources but whatever you need to try and tell people. I leave reviews on almost all the sources I use both domestic and international. I also asked if you were fucking stupid….a simple yes would have sufficed but here you are.
I wasn’t talking to you lol

Why are you answering as if you are freedom69 saying I got no reason to shill


Is that a real Perhaps because you made a direct accusation about

I can tell you're a real people person. Keep it up sport, you're really killing it out here! Have a great weekend.