I've had orders that have arrived before I've even got the tracking number. I've also had orders that take a few weeks. I've had orders that arrived exactly as the tracking number stated. I've had half shipments arrive one day and the other half a few days later.
Point - I've always got everything I've ever ordered from mission.
What the hell does it matter if you get a tracking number or not. Who cares if it takes 2 days or 10 days? Are you guys that are bitching pissed off because you don't stock up a full cycle with PCT before you start, in turn being short in compounds & AIs? I don't understand.
If you order of overseas it's gonna take even longer and risk seizure.
It would be different if you were getting ripped off by Mission but all I see is sometimes it takes longer than others, big fuckin deal lol.
We have to remember we are still buying illegal substances. Things will not always go as smooth as going to the damn grocery store lol.
Mission, Inno, Newport, or whom ever you choose will have this issue from time to time, all that matters in the end is you got everything you've ordered.