Mixing questions


New Member
Let’s say I put 3 ml of test MCT and 3 ml of primo GSO in one vail and heat it up and shake it up. Will the compounds evenly separate 7 ways for each daily injection even tho there different carrier oils?
Why people want to do this blows my mind

Just stick your needle in the test, draw out the amount you want, then stick it in the Primo, draw out the amount you want, inject

People need to learn how to draw oil out of a vial into a syringe properly I think the problem is.
Why people want to do this blows my mind

Just stick your needle in the test, draw out the amount you want, then stick it in the Primo, draw out the amount you want, inject

People need to learn how to draw oil out of a vial into a syringe properly I think the problem is.
It’s a convenience thing. I usually mix everything in one vail then separate among all my syringes for the week
It’s a convenience thing. I usually mix everything in one vail then separate among all my syringes for the week
Yes I understand the reasoning people have for doing rhis
My point is, It’s actually so easy to load the syringes with two vials that mixing saves nothing and actually adds inconvenience
People that don’t realize this clearly have an issue loading a syringe properly
I inject multiple compounds every single day and have for years
I also brew all my gear. If it was any easier believe me I would do it. But I know how to draw multiple compounds from vials in a couple of seconds. It really takes no extra time to do two or three than it would one. Maybe 1 second
The disadvantage to blends and mixing is now you are locked into those dosages and can’t make any changes if needed

And I apologize if I’m coming off rude. Not my intention
Just trying to help
You can mix if you like but it’s not easier and you add a disadvantage
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I have mixed the same oils in advance many times for the ease of use. But i would think different oils would be more likely to not blend together.
Yes and also it would probably crash so you wouldn't get any accurate dosing
Why would it crash? when i mix 2 different oils together they tend to just float around and not mix. The chemicals would need to to leach out of the oil they are in and gravitate over the the other oil to where crashing could occur as i see it.
When mixing the same oils i found when mixing one oil that would crash over a time like some higher concentration Bold Cyp was mixed with TC that kept the Bold from crashing over time as the over all concentration was doable.
Why would it crash? when i mix 2 different oils together they tend to just float around and not mix. The chemicals would need to to leach out of the oil they are in and gravitate over the the other oil to where crashing could occur as i see it.
When mixing the same oils i found when mixing one oil that would crash over a time like some higher concentration Bold Cyp was mixed with TC that kept the Bold from crashing over time as the over all concentration was doable.
This is what I meant by crashing. See the cloudiness in the clear oil? It happens when you mix oils in a syringe. So it would obviously happen in a vial too. This is mast p, tren a, and test cyp. So my thought was it would cause inaccurate dosing in a vial because when mixing in a syringe it wasn't crashed before you measured it.


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I see what you are saying but cloudiness is not crashing. Crashing is when the chemical precipitates out of solution. I have never had any cloudiness when mixing similar oils. But i am sure that could happen with dissimilar oils. And is is why i mentioned that in a previous post about not blending different oils.