MK-677 and BG control


New Member
im starting my new Blast in 2 weeks and will run 500 test e and 300 npp per week.
For my appetite I was thinking about running 15mg of MK-677 in the morning as I’ve had good results with it so far. Last time I did not have any problems at all with my blood glucose but this time I’ll run a slightly higher dose (5mg more) and want to be keep my insulin sensitivity as low as possible.

Will berberine be enough for that or should I consider a Glucose disposal agent.
I thought about getting Glyco-x 500 with banaba leaf extract and Berberine. Would only berberine be enough to control bg to a certain level?
500mg 3 times a day before a meal is what I’ve read quite often.
Maybe someone can help and give some recommendations.
im starting my new Blast in 2 weeks and will run 500 test e and 300 npp per week.
For my appetite I was thinking about running 15mg of MK-677 in the morning as I’ve had good results with it so far. Last time I did not have any problems at all with my blood glucose but this time I’ll run a slightly higher dose (5mg more) and want to be keep my insulin sensitivity as low as possible.

Will berberine be enough for that or should I consider a Glucose disposal agent.
I thought about getting Glyco-x 500 with banaba leaf extract and Berberine. Would only berberine be enough to control bg to a certain level?
500mg 3 times a day before a meal is what I’ve read quite often.
Maybe someone can help and give some recommendations.

Get a glucometer and track fasting glucose. It's inexpensive and very easy.
Regularly take, your morning fasted glucose before having coffee or eating anything. Could also check it about 2 or 3 hours after a high carb meal to see if your body is taking up the sugars properly. Do it daily or at least every other day and write it down so you can track it. I would actually start doing this before taking the MK and then while taking it So you have a baseline and a record you can track.

If you're blood glucose starts to raise and gets to a level that you don't like over a period of a week or two I would use berberine or metformin. If 10 mg didn't change your fasted glucose then 15 is unlikely to have a dramatic change but best to check and make sure.
Regularly take, your morning fasted glucose before having coffee or eating anything. Could also check it about 2 or 3 hours after a high carb meal to see if your body is taking up the sugars properly. Do it daily or at least every other day and write it down so you can track it. I would actually start doing this before taking the MK and then while taking it So you have a baseline and a record you can track.

If you're blood glucose starts to raise and gets to a level that you don't like over a period of a week or two I would use berberine or metformin. If 10 mg didn't change your fasted glucose then 15 is unlikely to have a dramatic change but best to check and make sure.
Thanks for the informative answer. I have a glucose meter and tested it last time.
I’ll use it for the next couple weeks before starting mk so I’ll get the baseline, thanks for the good suggestion.