MK677 Optimization: Somatostatin Inhibition?

James Bond12

New Member
I was wondering how much extra benefit I would get from inhibiting somatostatin while taking MK677. Oral somatostatin inhibitors like L-arginine and Pyriodisgtimine have been proven in countless studies to inhibit somatostatin and enhance response to GHRH and GHRPs. But I was wondering if inhibiting somatostatin while on MK677 would be worth it for extra benefit?

Studies displaying Pyriodgistime effectiveness:

Pyridostigmine, an Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, Stimulates Growth Hormone Release

GH feedback occurs through modulation of hypothalamic somatostatin under cholinergic control:

Low hexarelin dose and pyridostigmine have additive effect and potentiate to the same extent the GHRH-induced GH response in man

Studies displaying L-arginine effectiveness:

Growth hormone Response to L-Arginine Alone and Combined with Different Doses of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Arginine stimulates growth hormone secretion by suppressing endogenous somatostatin secretion

I actually never read a study on somatostatin inhibition but when I did take mk677 I read to take somatostatin inhibitors. I would use Huperazine A, Melatonin, Argnine, Green tea extract, Alpha-GPC, CDP-choline.
I didnt know if it was all ancedotal, but would like if someone who was more well versed explain.

Also should we be taking somatostatin inhibitors of HGH?