well that study is just a great example of all this mess...
they did NOT observe a decrease in BG with the folks taking metformin... what the actual fuck... thats what it's meant to do and it does well hence being prescribed to prediabetics and they stay on met for years and years before going to full exo insulin...
It makes sense when you look at the Supplemental Data:

The Metformin group started eating more so their fasting glucose didn't improve vs. Placebo who ate slightly less.
This trial looked primarily at how Met affected adaptations to progressive resistance training (all groups, placebo & Met were given a PRT intervention, and the groups compared) rather than what occurs at rest for those that remain sedentary.and its all a bit contradictory as they noted them self's as other studies showed that metformin prevented muscle loss in sedentary elderly individuals... so how does this work? @Type-IIx