Monsterlabstore (international stealth shipping)

Seems the opposite to me shit. Count posts if you have enough fingers. What do I care about you anyway? You're probably half in the grave now, you won't be here long. What will I do? What are you like 8 mentally? Physically you're like 90 walking dead. So I'll do the same as everyone, forget you in a couple minutes shit.
Physically I’m like 90? go look at my pics. Now post yours.
Yep they got ran off of and banned from ugbodybuilding and were almost banned from ProMuscle
Yep they got ran off of and banned from ugbodybuilding and were almost banned from ProMuscle
I just posted our promotion on UG like 10mins ago. We aren't banned and haven't been ran off. We've never been on the ProMuscle forum either but we'll probably expand there eventually.
I just posted our promotion on UG like 10mins ago. We aren't banned and haven't been ran off. We've never been on the ProMuscle forum either but we'll probably expand there eventually.
Lies. I was there when you got banned and saw you get your shit pushed in on ProMuscle.
Guess they let you back but I hope everyone starts at the beginning of your train wreck thread on ugbodybuilding there to see the incompetence of this lab
Physically I’m like 90?
Yes. I’ve got crohns, gallbladder is nonfunctional and I’ve got kidney issues as well. They’re still trying to figure out everything going on. ....
. I had a heart attack a few months ago.

Liver hype is overblown...

That's your own words dead man walking, too stupid to stop. Not your pics either, you're probably a competitor from King or something like that, and are here to get attention and stir up trouble. And there is still no proof of anything shit. Screenshot the alleged incident, Google how to dummy, until then STFU, you are a liar. You'll be banned soon anyway mental midget, have fun with the internal organs, hope you live a long life experiencing exactly what you deserve. I'm done with you, wasted enough time on special education today.

*Mic drop*
Physically I’m like 90?
Yes. I’ve got crohns, gallbladder is nonfunctional and I’ve got kidney issues as well. They’re still trying to figure out everything going on. ....
. I had a heart attack a few months ago.

Liver hype is overblown...

That's your own words dead man walking, too stupid to stop. Not your pics either, you're probably a competitor from King or something like that, and are here to get attention and stir up trouble. And there is still no proof of anything shit. Screenshot the alleged incident, Google how to dummy, until then STFU, you are a liar. You'll be banned soon anyway mental midget, have fun with the internal organs, hope you live a long life experiencing exactly what you deserve. I'm done with you, wasted enough time on special education today.

*Mic drop*
All from preexisting conditions you shill.
I was born with digestive issues and a heart problem.
Post a pic. you won’t. Go read through the thread on ugbb starting at the beginning. Go on shill. Too stupid to stop? Im not running anything crazy and I’m working closely with my clinic and Drs.
You’re trash and so is your lab you’re shilling for.
So where did I say I’ve liver problems?
Liver is fine you dirty gear whore
All from preexisting conditions you shill.
I was born with digestive issues and a heart problem.
Post a pic. you won’t. Go read through the thread on ugbb starting at the beginning. Go on shill. Too stupid to stop? Im not running anything crazy and I’m working closely with my clinic and Drs.
You’re trash and so is your lab you’re shilling for.
So where did I say I’ve liver problems?
Liver is fine you dirty gear whore

You cannot maintain the physique you say have on that picture with crohn

It’s impossible
You cannot maintain the physique you say have on that picture with crohn

It’s impossible
Well that’s a lie because I have and even grew this physique with crohns.
You just don’t know what you’re doing.
I know a few competitors with crohns buddy. You guys are all dumb as fuck
Seems the opposite to me shit. Count posts if you have enough fingers. What do I care about you anyway? You're probably half in the grave now, you won't be here long. What will I do? What are you like 8 mentally? Physically you're like 90 walking dead. So I'll do the same as everyone, forget you in a couple minutes shit.
You are spot on about this guy. Only one private forum I know of that he is allowed to stay on and mainly because a small loudmouth group of others there are just as negative as he is and think their thought process is the only correct thought process.

In reality, he is dumb AF and indeed he is on death's doorstep and probably the saddest thing is that he did it to himself and can you imagine this guy giving others advice on drugs, supplements and training with the shit health he has? Its a sad joke. This guy massively abuses PEDs and other drugs. I sure as shit wouldn't want anyone I know taking advice from him and its better for this board that he is gone.
You may remember him as Rir0 and yeah, that's what he does.
Dude is a fucking loser with too much free time on his hands. He did the same shit at UGBB. Who has that much free time to complain on forums all day?
Dude is a fucking loser with too much free time on his hands. He did the same shit at UGBB. Who has that much free time to complain on forums all day?
UGBB, ASF, ProM, BOP and several others. Booted from all. He's convinced he knows best and he is the greatest of all time though :D. Hard to believe there are some morons out there that actually listen to him and give him the validation he so desperately seeks.
UGBB, ASF, ProM, BOP and several others. Booted from all. He's convinced he knows best and he is the greatest of all time though :D. Hard to believe there are some morons out there that actually listen to him and give him the validation he so desperately seeks.
When his kidneys shut down and he’s on dialysis he can tell the nurse all day long how awesome he was.