Moving from testosterone pellets to inections?

300 total test and 16 e2 not good for women. And men dont even worry about shbg, and if it works like people think it does it could be your body trying to protect itself. Please do not listen to doctors they do not understand this stuff like they pretend to.

Anavar for high shbg?? Why is this doctor trying to treat you like a male... they dont understand how this stuff works so they just see something and go with it because of their ego. They dont understand the whole picture they just read guidelines of what can be legally prescribed.

And to the other commenter talking about proviron, yes it works for libido because it attaches to the androgen receptor and is dht derived, it doesnt just magically get you more horny. Not for women.

This whole trt for women thing is a money grab to double the amount of patients by treating women too. Testosterone is not a female hormone, the other female hormones need to be emphasized, like estrogen progesterone etc.

300 total test is more than 5x average womans levels.

The fact they have you on this dose AND reccomend anavar on top OR sugguest going even higher is insane. These are literally male levels and the average doc wouldnt even prescribe testosterone to men if their testosterone was in the 300s.

The doctor doesnt even know you are in the male range, and that the female top end is 40- 60.. this is the most basic stuff Its incomprehensible to me

I seriously sugguest you taking a step back from this

Edit... they had you on fuckkng pellets? Just random pellets they put in that everyone reacts to differently and the dose isnt changable? And have different absorption rates. And they think this is ok for women because they google trt and see its an option.. holy fucking shit this guy should be in prison
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Testosterone is not a female hormone,
I will respectfully disagree with you on this one point. Look at the max ref ranges for TT and E2 in women. Which hormone presents at higher absolute serum concentration in the female body?

The rest of your comments are well taken. It's always a balance to make sure one doesn't drink the anti aging Kool aid too much.
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This whole trt for women thing is a money grab to double the amount of patients by treating women too. Testosterone is not a female hormone, the other female hormones need to be emphasized, like estrogen progesterone etc.
I’m with you on most of this as well, but testosterone is absolutely a female hormone, just as much as estrogen is also a male hormone. Our bodies make it. I make testosterone, you make estrogen. For sure, messing up levels and ratios is going to mess things up. But this notion that only males make/need testosterone is just not well informed given the information we have available.

As to the levels, those can vary widely amongst women. Some women will start to transition at 100ng/dL, and others don’t feel/see any effects at all. Others crank it higher and do fine. Estrogen in women varies widely as well, depending on the individual, time of cycle, age, if a cycle is even present, etc. etc. etc.

Playing with hormones/SARMS/peptides is a game of risk v reward for all, and for sure with women it can be more of a moving target. Luckily, most of us are used to monthly fluctuations in hormones, and can ride those ebbs and flows pretty well.
I will respectfully disagree with you on this one point. Look at the max ref ranges for TT and E2 in women. Which hormone presents at higher absolute concentration in the female body?

The rest of your comments are well taken. It's always a balance to make sure one doesn't drink the anti aging Kool aid too much.
According to google women e2 is 30-400

Iirc females totall test is like 20-40 and i see some populations say 60 max, but 60 is also listed as hyper androgenism.

Also, im not saying its not meant to be in females, but its fundamentally a male hormone to convrrt to dht to masculinize men in puberty, it is not a female hormone just like estrogen is not a male hormone, we have to have a distinction and not get lost in symantics.

Its fucking youtube clicks and pill mill docs fucking up.women and it pisses me tbe fuck off, and somenpeople read all these benefits FOR MALES about testosterone and just think its some fucking health supplement to optimize
I’m with you on most of this as well, but testosterone is absolutely a female hormone, just as much as estrogen is also a male hormone. Our bodies make it. I make testosterone, you make estrogen. For sure, messing up levels and ratios is going to mess things up. But this notion that only males make/need testosterone is just not well informed given the information we have available.

As to the levels, those can vary widely amongst women. Some women will start to transition at 100ng/dL, and others don’t feel/see any effects at all. Others crank it higher and do fine. Estrogen in women varies widely as well, depending on the individual, time of cycle, age, if a cycle is even present, etc. etc. etc.

Playing with hormones/SARMS/peptides is a game of risk v reward for all, and for sure with women it can be more of a moving target. Luckily, most of us are used to monthly fluctuations in hormones, and can ride those ebbs and flows pretty well.
I totally disagree and im surprised after your side effects, extensive bloodwork and research you still take this lightly and miss key points.

Naturally women have never naturally been as high as you or even 100ng/dl, again 55-60 is hyper androgenicity or something. Just because you arent transitioned doesnt mean you are doing things right. Youre not even a bodybuilder ffs. There is no moving target, is this the phrase the doctor used?

Im sure ive typed out similar things to you before so at this point you are like a 13 year old boy abusing steroids, i see no difference, you are in an abuser category , doing mental gymnastics to justify using steroids despite side effects and like you just started working out.

You are just using steroids to chase a high And im not gooing to treat you any different because you are a woman
Im sure ive typed out similar things to you before so at this point you are like a 13 year old boy abusing steroids, i see no difference
Any difference vs a 45 year old man abusing androgens? I see no difference.

Why did you pick the 13 year old boy analogy?

Pay to play. Simple truth. She is a fully developed adult capable of informed consent I gather.
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Supraphysiologic T dosing in women for symptom relief has been around for a while.

Tread carefully. Glaser isn't a crackpot. Interesting discussion section.
Well pellets are sttupid for men and women and pushed for $$$ because it costs upwards of $800 iiirc, and requires a doctor to put them in, cant make as much money off a goodrx test bottle. Also removes the stigma of needles and injections. anyone with any understanding of hormones could not , in good faith, think pellets are good because hormonal treatment requires adjustments and this cannot be done with pelllets under the skin. Like... what other hormones do they cut into your skin and insert and stitch up for 6 months at a time?

You italicized symptom.relief so i know you are aware of this , but many things that treat symptoms like narcotics or how they treated female hysteria 100 years ago

My other post is pending moderator approval because i feel very strongly about this subject and i want any future woman that reads this to be aware
Pellets are absolutely a money grab, I would not at this point recommend them to any man or woman. But the delivery method doesn’t invalidate the rest of the content in the link @readalot shared. That’s just throwing out the baby with the bath water.

You might get more traction leaving a ‘beware’ sign in the thread if you could resist the temptation to equate me with a 13 year old boy. That kind of infantilization doesn’t usually hit too well with fully grown women taking charge of their own bodies. But you do you :)
Well pellets are sttupid for men and women and pushed for $$$ because it costs upwards of $800 iiirc, and requires a doctor to put them in, cant make as much money off a goodrx test bottle. Also removes the stigma of needles and injections. anyone with any understanding of hormones could not , in good faith, think pellets are good because hormonal treatment requires adjustments and this cannot be done with pelllets under the skin. Like... what other hormones do they cut into your skin and insert and stitch up for 6 months at a time?

You italicized symptom.relief so i know you are aware of this , but many things that treat symptoms like narcotics or how they treated female hysteria 100 years ago

My other post is pending moderator approval because i feel very strongly about this subject and i want any future woman that reads this to be aware
We aren't debating pellets. That's a given in the history of this thread. I'll wait for your other post to come through.
Any difference vs a 45 year old man abusing androgens? I see no difference.

Why did you pick the 13 year old boy anaolgy?

Pay to play. Simple truth. She is a fully developed adult capable of informed consent I gather.
Maybe i should have said younger, because their hormonal system is different.

If a kid came on here, didnt workout, and wanted 6x their normal testosterone level for the "feels" and started taking anavar on top and said it was optimal or a "moving target" despite having gyno, acne but theyre hornier and feel good, how would people react? Taking a bunch of gear for mood.

Women at these high doses are going through a male puberty and "feel great" and lord knows you cant argue with them.

I guess my main point is, that it is abuse, just like any man, and not to be fooled by a doctor or imply women are optimal outside their reference range
I guess my main point is, that it is abuse, just like any man, and not to be fooled by a doctor or imply women are optimal outside their reference range
Fair enough. I will concede we are all abusers in the strict definition of in network clinical medicine. But that's why we are all here and I'm as big a stickler as they come.

Thanks for your clarification. Nunya probably can do more pull ups than 90% of the dudes on here so I ain't going to equate her with an 18 year old who hasn't put in the work. IRL that is dangerous proposition to infantilize a grown ass woman lol. I am probably imagining the slight hint of sexism in the posts.

Merry Christmas All.
fully grown women taking charge of their own bodies.
there it is. i hope you dont encourage other women to inject masculinzing hormones for the libido benefits , just like i wouldnt tell a guy to use tren for the same purpose.

Harm reduction after all right guys?
I will respectfully disagree with you on this one point. Look at the max ref ranges for TT and E2 in women. Which hormone presents at higher absolute serum concentration in the female body?

According to google women e2 is 30-400

Iirc females totall test is like 20-40 and i see some populations say 60 max, but 60 is also listed as hyper androgenism
Did you pay attention to the units of measurement?

Women have FAR MORE testosterone in their bodies than estrogens. Far more.

Little known fact.
300 ng/dl for testosterone, seems big to me for a woman.

I know some guys who walks with 350 and they look good

What are the reference levels for women of 25 years old ?
It can be high, but it’s not in isolation (free T is still pretty low), AND I basically also tested at peak and not trough (I injected my AM usual, had labs an hour later doh). For women and TRT/HRT, feels and symptoms and sides are what typically drives dosage, and labs confirm.

Next time around I’ll be smarter about testing at trough, because FEELS and sides are definitely not high T at the moment. Free T is also low, SHBG is on the high side, E is low. So there’s still juggling to do for me.