
Oh my. You haven't read much around here have u? That's pretty much a no no. Don't ask for sources as this is not a source board and for god sakes if you do don't post that shit in open forums. Or if you have to know please title the new thread....
" I NEED A GTG SOURCE PLEASE" on Fridays because it gives me something to do over the weekend:D .... And as @Savagesteve said.......

I know that which is why I asked him to msg me privately second i wasn't really asking for the source I was most interested in the brand and I would find a source to get it from after that. Also I already have g2g sources so im really just looking for a brand since I consider a source a place where to get product and well a brand I just simply a brand
No ugl is "gtg"
Also, there is probably 5 labs here in the UG where you can place an order and have good gear in like 3-7 days. You really are making this alot harder on your self...

Like I said in another reply I already have good sources to get my stuff from wether it be ugl or pharm grade being that I usually use pharm grade when it comes to products that are made by pharm grade companies and I also use some pretty good ugl for products that are not. I'm really just looking for a review on the ugl brands
I won't say who they are but I use him and he has ampules. I did my own research and you have to as well.

Lol we probably use the same source, but I'm not really looking for a source to get it from as I already have a couple I'm really looking for reviews on the ugls, thanks though. The next stack im running is all chemicals made by pharm grade companies so I'll probably use the organon & bayer ampules he has