MSD Phar. Pregnyl Storage Temp.


New Member
I have pregnyl from MSD pharmaceutical and instructions says, it should be storage 2-8 C in refrigerator (when its in the powder form). But today, when i check my refrigerator's temp, it looks 10-11 C degree. Can be any problem?
Second question, can be any difference about HCG storage temp. between different pharmas?
Sorry for my bad English
Are you serious bc while proteins are more heat labile a difference of a few degrees C should make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in the product quality regardless of the distributor.

The major problem with PEPs or PolyPEPs is their tendency to degrade when EXPOSED to water.

Consequently as long as the product was properly vacuum sealed structural integrity is reasonably assured even at ROOM TEMPS

However once reconstituted refrigeration or better yet freezing is the most effective means of maintaining efficacy.
Are you serious bc while proteins are more heat labile a difference of a few degrees C should make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in the product quality regardless of the distributor.

The major problem with PEPs or PolyPEPs is their tendency to degrade when EXPOSED to water.

Consequently as long as the product was properly vacuum sealed structural integrity is reasonably assured even at ROOM TEMPS

However once reconstituted refrigeration or better yet freezing is the most effective means of maintaining efficacy.
Thanks doc :)
Do not freeze reconstituted hCG! Repeated freeze-thaw cycles may denature the protein, rendering it ineffective.

Ice crystals, as they form, may damage the protein.
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